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Inside Blood


In this issue of Blood, Singh et al establish the existence of a new soluble isoform of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (sVEGFR-3), which is synthesized and secreted by corneal epithelial cells; they show that sVEGFR-3 modulates lymphangiogenesis by impounding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) C and rendering it unable to activate its cognate receptors, thereby maintaining the natural alymphatic disposition of the cornea (see figure).1 


In this issue of Blood, Shanafelt and colleagues demonstrate that T-cell immune synapse function can be increased in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), both by reducing tumor burden with immunochemotherapy and by lenalidomide.1 


In this issue of Blood, Jakob et al report that hematopoietic progenitor kinase 1 (HPK1) participates during signaling of neutrophil recruitment by acting as a regulator of the adhesiveness of the β2-integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) during acute inflammation.1 


In this issue of Blood, Mazharian and colleagues characterize Shp1 and Shp2 conditional knockout (KO) murine models, underscoring the role of these phosphatases not only on platelet function but also on megakaryocyte development and platelet counts and size.1 

Blood Work

Plenary Paper

Blood Spotlight

Review Article

Clinical Trials and Observations

Samantha C. Gouw,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,H. Marijke van den Berg,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Kathelijn Fischer,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Günter Auerswald,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Manuel Carcao,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Elizabeth Chalmers,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Hervé Chambost,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Karin Kurnik,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Ri Liesner,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Pia Petrini,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Helen Platokouki,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Carmen Altisent,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Johannes Oldenburg,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Beatrice Nolan,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Rosario Pérez Garrido,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,M. Elisa Mancuso,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Anne Rafowicz,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Mike Williams,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Niels Clausen,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Rutger A. Middelburg,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Rolf Ljung,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group,Johanna G. van der Bom,for the PedNet and Research of Determinants of INhibitor development (RODIN) Study Group

Hematopoiesis and Stem Cells


Lymphoid Neoplasia

Myeloid Neoplasia

Phagocytes, Granulocytes, and Myelopoiesis

Platelets and Thrombopoiesis

Thrombosis and Hemostasis


Vascular Biology

Continuing Medical Education (CME) Questions

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