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Paul Smith
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Journal Articles
Eduardo Huarte, PhD, Michael Peel, PhD, Philip Dube, PhD, Lynn Stephens, Becky Stewart, Brian Long, Philip Czerniak, Julian Oliver, PhD, Paul Smith, PhD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 21–22.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Eduardo Huarte, PhD, Michael Peel, PhD, Katherine Verbist, PhD, Brittany Fay, Sabrin Albeituni, PhD, Kim E. Nichols, MD, Paul Smith, PhD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 21.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Eduardo Huarte, PhD, Roddy S O'Connor, PhD, Melissa Parker, Taisheng Huang, Michael C. Milone, Paul Smith
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 1934.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
David I Marks, MBBS, PhD FRCPath, Amy A. Kirkwood, MSc, Clare J Rowntree, MBBS, PhD FRCP, FRCPath, Melanie Aguiar, BSc, Katharine E Bailey, MBBS, FRCPath, MA, MRCP, Brendan Beaton, MD, Laura Clifton-Hadley, PhDBSc, Emma Lawrie, BSc, SooWah Lee, MSc, Andrew K McMillan, FRCP, Anthony V. Moorman, PhD, Rachel J. Mitchell, MSc, Pip Patrick, PhDMSc,MA, Tobias F Menne, MD PhD FRCPath, Paul Smith, Bela Wrench, MBBS, MD MRCP, FRCPath, Krisztina Zuborne Alapi, MSc, Adele K. Fielding, MBBS,PhDFRCP,FRCPath
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 739.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Mary Gleeson, Nicholas Counsell, David Cunningham, Eliza Hawkes, Anthony Lawrie, Andrew Jack, Paul Smith, Christopher Pocock, MD PhD, Kirit M. Ardeshna, MB BChir, John Radford, MD FRCP, Andrew McMillan, John Davies, Deborah Turner, Anton Kruger, Peter Johnson, MD, David C. Linch
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 2956.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Michael A. Chapman, Jonathan Sive, John Ambrose, Claire Roddie, Nicholas Counsell, Anna Lach, Mahnaz Abbasian, Rakesh Popat, Jamie D. Cavenagh, Heather Oakervee, Matthew J. Streetly, Stephen Schey, Mickey Koh, Fenella Willis, Andres E. Virchis, Josephine Crowe, Michael F. Quinn, Gordon Cook, Charles R. Crawley, Guy Pratt, Mark Cook, Nivette Braganza, Toyin Adedayo, Paul Smith, Laura Clifton-Hadley, Roger G. Owen, Pieter Sonneveld, Jonathan J. Keats, Javier Herrero, Kwee Yong
Blood (2018) 132 (20): 2154–2165.
Published: 2018
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Rakesh Popat, MD PhD, Ruth Mary De Tute, BSc,MSc, Nicholas Counsell, Dunnya De-Silva, Beth Phillips, MBBS, FRCPath, BSc, James D Cavenagh, Toyin Adedayo, Nivette Braganza, Claire Roddie, PhD MD, Mathew Streetly, Stephen Schey, MBBS, Mickey Koh, MD PhD, Josephine Crowe, Michael F. Quinn, FRCPath, MB, MD MRCP, Shirley D'Sa, MD FRCP, FRCPath, Andres E. Virchis, FRCP, FRCPath, Gordon Cook, PhD, Charles R Crawley, Guy Pratt, MD FRCP, FRCPath, Mark Cook, MBChB,PhD, Paul Smith, Laura Clifton-Hadley, PhDBSc, Neil Rabin, Roger G Owen, MD, Kwee Yong, PhD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 1864.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Michael Chapman, PhD MRCP, FRCPath, Jonathan Sive, John Ambrose, Claire Roddie, PhD MD, Nicholas Counsell, Paul Smith, Nivette Braganza, Toyin Adedayo, Rakesh Popat, MD PhD, James D Cavenagh, Matthew J. Streetly, BMBS, PhD MRCP, FRCPath, Roger G. Owen, MD, Stephen Schey, MBBS, Mickey Koh, MD PhD, Josephine Crowe, Michael F. Quinn, FRCPath, MB, MD MRCP, Shirley D'Sa, MD FRCP, FRCPath, Andres E. Virchis, FRCP, FRCPath, Gordon Cook, PhD, Charles R Crawley, Guy Pratt, MD FRCP, FRCPath, Mark Cook, MBChB,PhD, Laura Clifton-Hadley, PhDBSc, Javier Herrero, PhD, Kwee Yong, PhD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 267.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Oliver C Cohen, MBBS MRCP, Neil Rabin, Nicholas Counsell, Roger G Owen, MD PhD, Bilyana Popova, Oliver Schofield, Janet Lyons-Lewis, Andy Rawstron, Christopher Spence, Ruth Mary de Tute, PhD FRCPath, Derralynn Hughes, MRCP, MRCPath, DPhil, MA, Sally Moore, BSc, FRPATH, FRCP, MBBS, Paul Smith, PhD, Kwee L Yong
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 4508.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Elizabeth H Phillips, Amy A Kirkwood, Anthony Lawrie, Simon Rule, Russell Patmore, MRCP FRCPath, Ruth Pettengell, Cathy H Burton, Kirit M Ardeshna, Silvia Montoto, MD, Shankaranarayana Paneesha, Paul Smith, Katharina Wanek, Laura Clifton-Hadley, PhD BSc, David C. Linch, MD MRCP, MB BCh, BA, Andrew McMillan, PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1855.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Jonathan I Sive, MDPhD, John C Ambrose, PhD, Kwee L Yong, Claire Roddie, MD PhD, Nicholas Counsell, Paul Smith, Nivette Braganca, Toyin Adadayo, Rakesh Popat, James D Cavenagh, MD, Roger G Owen, MDPhD, Matthew Streetly, Stephen A Schey, MD, Mickey Koh, MDPhD, Josephine Crowe, MD, Michael F Quinn, MD, Shirley D'Sa, Andres Virchis, MD, Gordon Cook, MDPhD, Charles Crawley, Guy E Pratt, MDFRCP FRCPath, Mark Cook, PhDMBChB, Michael A Chapman, MDPhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 3267.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Mary Gleeson, Andrew Jack, David Cunningham, Nicholas Counsell, Nichola McWhirter, Rebecca Chalkley, Eliza A Hawkes, Nick Chadwick, Anthony Laurie, Paul Smith, Christopher Pocock, Kirit M Ardeshna, John A. Radford, MD, Andrew McMillan, John Davies, Deborah Turner, Anton Kruger, Peter Johnson, Cathy H Burton, David C Linch, Sharon L Barrans
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1746.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Andrea Kühnl, MD, Ridwan Shaikh, David Cunningham, Sharon L Barrans, Cathy H Burton, Andrew Jack, Mary Gleeson, Nicholas Counsell, Paul Smith, Oliver Schofield, David C. Linch, FRCP, Michael Hubank, PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1747.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Rebecca L Auer, MD PhD, Roger G Owen, Shirley D'Sa, Guy Pratt, MD FRCP FRCPath, Bilyana Popova, Laura Clifton Hadley, Oliver Schofield, Nicholas Counsell, Paul Smith
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 618.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Sally F. Barrington, Amy A. Kirkwood, Antonella Franceschetto, Michael J. Fulham, Thomas H. Roberts, Helén Almquist, Eva Brun, Karin Hjorthaug, Zaid N. Viney, Lucy C. Pike, Massimo Federico, Stefano Luminari, John Radford, Judith Trotman, Alexander Fosså, Leanne Berkahn, Daniel Molin, Francesco D’Amore, Donald A. Sinclair, Paul Smith, Michael J. O’Doherty, Lindsey Stevens, Peter W. Johnson
Blood (2016) 127 (12): 1531–1538.
Published: 2016
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Mary Gleeson, Eliza A Hawkes, David Cunningham, Nick Chadwick, Nick Counsell, Anthony Lawrie, Andrew Jack, Paul Smith, Paul Mouncey, Christopher Pocock, Kirit Ardeshna, John Radford, Andrew McMillan, John Davies, Deborah Turner, Anton Kruger, Peter W.M. Johnson, FRCP, Joanna Gambell, David Linch
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 2689.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Dina Okasha, Amy A Kirkwood, Mhairi Copland, BSc (Hons) MB ChB PhDFRCP FRCPath, Emma Lawrie, Andrew McMillan, PhD, Tobias F. Menne, MD PhD FRCPath, Nick Morley, Clare Rowntree, Deborah Susan Richardson, MDFRCPath,FRCP,MA,MBBChir, Paul Smith, Adele K. Fielding, MB BS, PhD, David Marks, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 733.
Published: 2015
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