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Tanja M. Davidsen
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Journal Articles
Bruno M. Grande, Daniela S. Gerhard, Aixiang Jiang, Nicholas B. Griner, Jeremy S. Abramson, Thomas B. Alexander, Hilary Allen, Leona W. Ayers, Jeffrey M. Bethony, Kishor Bhatia, Jay Bowen, Corey Casper, John Kim Choi, Luka Culibrk, Tanja M. Davidsen, Maureen A. Dyer, Julie M. Gastier-Foster, Patee Gesuwan, Timothy C. Greiner, Thomas G. Gross, Benjamin Hanf, Nancy Lee Harris, Yiwen He, John D. Irvin, Elaine S. Jaffe, Steven J. M. Jones, Patrick Kerchan, Nicole Knoetze, Fabio E. Leal, Tara M. Lichtenberg, Yussanne Ma, Jean Paul Martin, Marie-Reine Martin, Sam M. Mbulaiteye, Charles G. Mullighan, Andrew J. Mungall, Constance Namirembe, Karen Novik, Ariela Noy, Martin D. Ogwang, Abraham Omoding, Jackson Orem, Steven J. Reynolds, Christopher K. Rushton, John T. Sandlund, Roland Schmitz, Cynthia Taylor, Wyndham H. Wilson, George W. Wright, Eric Y. Zhao, Marco A. Marra, Ryan D. Morin, Louis M. Staudt
Blood (2019) 133 (12): 1313–1324.
Published: 2019
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Bruno M. Grande, BSc, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Nicholas B. Griner, PhD, Corey Casper, MD MPH, Constance Namirembe, Abraham Omoding, MD, Jackson Orem, MD, Sam M. Mbulaiteye, MD MBBChir, MPhil, Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS, MD, John T. Sandlund, MD, Thomas Alexander, MD MPH, John Kim Choi, MD, Jeremy S. Abramson, MD MMSc, Thomas G. Gross, MD PhD, Ariela Noy, MD, Jeffrey Bethony, PhD, Timothy C. Greiner, MS, MD, Elaine S. Jaffe, MD, Nancy Lee Harris, MD, Julie M. Gastier-Foster, PhD, Jay Bowen, MS, Hilary Allen, MS, Roland Schmitz, PhD, Wyndham H. Wilson, MD PhD, Jean Paul Martin, PhD, Marie-Reine Martin, MD, John D. Irvin, MD PhD, Maureen Dyer, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Yiwen He, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Karen Novik, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Marco A. Marra, PhD, Ryan D. Morin, PhDBSc,MSc, Louis M. Staudt, MD PhD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 39.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Thomas B. Alexander, MD MPH, Zhaohui Gu, PhD, John K Choi, MD, Mignon L. Loh, MD, John Horan, MD MPH, Barbara Buldini, MD, Giuseppe Basso, Sarah Elitzur, MD, C. Michel Zwaan, MD PhD, Valerie de Haas, MD PhD, Allen Eng Juh Yeoh, MD, Dirk Reinhardt, MD PhD, Daisuke Tomizawa, MD, PhD, Tim Lammens, Barbara De Moerloose, MD, Li Zhou, PhD, Hiroki Hori, MD PhD, Anthony V. Moorman, PhD, Andrew S. Moore, MBBS FRACP PhD, Ondrej Hrusak, MD PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD, Etan Orgel, MD MS, Meenakshi Devidas, PhD, Stephen P. Hunger, MD, Jamie M Guidry Auvil, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Leandro C. Hermida, Patee Gesuwan, Marco A. Marra, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, Richard Moore, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Xueyuan Cao, Lei Shi, PhD, Stanley Pounds, PhD, Hiroto Inaba, MD PhD, Charles Mullighan, MBBS, MSc, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 454.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Daniela S Gerhard, PhD, Bruno Grande, B. Sc., Nicholas Griner, PhD, Corey Casper, MD, Sarah E. Gerdts, MPH, Abraham Omoding, MD, Jackson Orem, MD, Sam M Mbulaiteye, MD, Martin D. Ogwang, MD, Steven J. Reynolds, MD MPH, Kishor Bhatia, PhD, Leona Ayers, MD, John K Choi, MD, Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS, MSc, PhD, John T. Sandlund, MD, Thomas B. Alexander, MD MPH, Jeremy S. Abramson, MD, Thomas G. Gross, MD PhD, Ariela Noy, MD PhD, Jeffrey Bethony, PhD, Fabio Leal, MD, PhD, Timothy C Greiner, MS, MD, Elaine S. Jaffe, MD, Nancy Lee Harris, MD, Julie M. Gastier-Foster, PhD, Jay Bowen, MS, Benjamin Hanf, Roland Schmitz, PhD, Jean-Paul Martin, MD, Marie-Reine Martin, MD, John D. Irvin, MD PhD, Ellen Miller, MS, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Marco A. Marra, PhD, Ryan D. Morin, Louis M. Staudt, MD PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1760.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Timothy Junius Triche, Jr., PhD, Jason E Farrar, MD, Hamid Bolouri, PhD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Emilia L. Lim, PhD, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Richard Moore, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, Marco A. Marra, PhD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Alan Gamis, MD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Stephen R Piccolo, PhD, Daniela S Gerhard, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1046.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Jason E Farrar, MD, Hamid Bolouri, PhD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Timothy Junius Triche, Jr., PhD, Emilia L. Lim, PhD, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Richard Moore, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, Marco A. Marra, PhD, Jaime Guidry Auvil, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 595.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Katherine Tarlock, MD, Allison J. Kaeding, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Michael R. Loken, PhD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Laura Pardo, Robert Gerbing, BS, Jason E Farrar, MD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Pattee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, Marco A. Marra, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, Karen Mungall, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Stuart Zong, William Long, PhD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 2873.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Julia E. Maxson, Rhonda E. Ries, Yi-Cheng Wang, Robert B. Gerbing, E. Anders Kolb, Sarah L. Thompson, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, Marco A. Marra, Yussanne Ma, Zusheng Zong, Andrew J. Mungall, Richard Moore, William Long, Patee Gesuwan, Tanja M. Davidsen, Leandro C. Hermida, Seamus B. Hughes, Jason E. Farrar, Jerald P. Radich, Malcolm A. Smith, Daniela S. Gerhard, Alan S. Gamis, Todd A. Alonzo, Soheil Meshinchi
Blood (2016) 127 (24): 3094–3098.
Published: 2016
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Matthew A. Kutny, MD, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Yi-Cheng Wang, MS, Rhonda Ries, MA, Jason E. Farrar, MD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, Marco A Marra, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, PhD, Richard Moore, PhD, William Long, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Stuart Zong, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 1368.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Jason E. Farrar, MD, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Robert B. Gerbing, MA, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, Marco A Marra, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, PhD, Karen Mungall, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, William Long, PhD, Stuart Zong, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 2587.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Katherine Tarlock, MD, M. Eva Hansen, Tiffany Hylkema, Rhonda Ries, MA, Jason E. Farrar, MD, Jaime Guidry Auvil, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, Marco A Marra, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, PhD, Karen Mungall, PhD, Yussanne Ma, Stuart Zong, William Long, PhD, Titus Boggon, PhD, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 87.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Fabiana Ostronoff, MD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Robert B. Gerbing, MA, Marco A Marra, PhD, Ma Yussanne, William Long, PhD, Stuart Zong, Karen Mungall, PhD, Andrew Andrew, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Gesuwan Patee, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Leandro C. Hermida, Jason E. Farrar, MD, Jaime Guidry Auvil, Susana C. Raimondi, PhD, Betsy A. Hirsch, PhD, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 169.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Julia Elizabeth Maxson, PhD, Rhonda Ries, MA, Yi-Cheng Wang, MS, Robert B. Gerbing, MA, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Sarah L Thompson, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Marco A Marra, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Stuart Zong, Andrew J. Mungall, PhD, Richard Moore, PhD, William Long, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Leandro C. Hermida, Jason E. Farrar, MD, Jerald P. Radich, MD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 174.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Diana Chin, Matthew A. Kutny, MD, Jonathan Grim, MD PhD, Robert B. Gerbing, MA, Kristen Miller, BS, Jason E. Farrar, MD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Leandro C. Hermida, Marco A Marra, PhD, Andrew J. Mungall, PhD, Richard Moore, PhD, William Long, PhD, Yussanne Ma, PhD, Stuart Zong, E. Anders Kolb, MD, Alan S. Gamis, MD MPH, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 170.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Huimin Geng, PhD, Mignon L. Loh, MD, Richard C. Harvey, PhD, I-Ming Chen, DVM, Meenakshi Devidas, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, Ph.D., Malcolm A. Smith, MD PhD, Andrew J. Carroll, PhD, Nyla A. Heerema, PhD, Julie M. Gastier-Foster, PhD, Cheryl L. Willman, MD, Charles G. Mullighan, MBBS MSc MD, Stephen P. Hunger, MD, Ari Melnick, MD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 3736.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Julia Kuhn, BA, Daoud Meerzaman, MD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Filippo Milano, MD, PhD, Alan S. Gamis, MD, MPH, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Jaime Guidry-Auvil, Ph.D., Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD, PhD, Yan Chunhua, Chih Hao Hsu, Cu Nguyen, Daniela S. Gerhard, Ph.D., Daniel Wai, Robert J. Arceci, MD, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 2549.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Lisa R. Trevino, PhD, Oliver A. Hampton, PhD, Todd Alonzo, PhD, Jason E. Farrar, MD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, PhD, Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, PhD, Donna M. Muzny, Alan S. Gamis, MD, MPH, Heather L. Helton, MD, David A. Wheeler, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, Ph.D., Robert J. Arceci, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 123.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Michael Ochs, Ph.D., Jason Farrar, M.D., Michael Considine, M.S., Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Lisa R. Trevino, PhD, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Jaime Guidry-Auvil, Ph.D., Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Ph.D., Donna M. Muzny, Alan S. Gamis, MD, MPH, David A. Wheeler, PhD, Heather L. Helton, MD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, Ph.D., Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD, Robert J. Arceci, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 1287.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Heather L. Helton, MD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Robert B. Gerbing, M.A., Lisa R. Trevino, PhD, Jason Farrar, M.D., Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, Ph.D., Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Ph.D., Donna M. Muzny, Alan S. Gamis, MD, MPH, Janet Franklin, MD, MPH, David A. Wheeler, PhD, Malcolm A. Smith, MD, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, Ph.D., Robert J. Arceci, MD, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 125.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Hamid Bolouri, PhD, Rhonda E. Ries, MA, Ranjani Ramamurthy, MS, Todd A. Alonzo, PhD, Jaime M. Guidry Auvil, Ph.D., Tanja M. Davidsen, PhD, Patee Gesuwan, Ph.D., Alan S. Gamis, MD, MPH, Malcolm A. Smith, MD, PhD, Daniela S. Gerhard, Ph.D., Robert J. Arceci, MD, PhD, Soheil Meshinchi, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 3519.
Published: 2012
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