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Shoshana Revel-Vilk
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Dafna Frydman, Ari Zimran, Ellen Broide, Elinore Molad, Emmanuel Benayoun, Mira Naamad
Blood (2024) 144 (Supplement 1): 5414.
Published: 2024
Journal Articles
Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Ari Zimran, Majdolen Istaiti, Orly Manor, Varda Shalev, Litat Azani, Gabriel Chodick, Ora Paltiel
Blood (2023) 142 (Supplement 1): 488.
Published: 2023
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Sarah Elitzur, Ajay Vora, Birgit Burkhardt, Hiroto Inaba, Andishe Attarbaschi, Andre Baruchel, Gabriele Escherich, Brenda Gibson, Hsi-Che Liu, Mignon Loh, Anthony V. Moorman, Anja Möricke, Rob Pieters, Anne Uyttebroeck, Susan Baird, Jack Bartram, Shlomit Barzilai-Birenboim, Sandeep Batra, Miriam Ben-Harosh, Yves Bertrand, Trudy Buitenkamp, Kenneth Caldwell, Ricardo Drut, Ashley V. Geerlinks, Gil Gilad, John Grainger, Stephanie Haouy, Nicholas Heaney, Mary Huang, Danielle Ingham, Zdenka Krenova, Michaela Kuhlen, Thomas Lehrnbecher, Atsushi Manabe, Felix Niggli, Claudia Paris, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Pierre Rohrlich, Mohamad G. Sinno, Tomasz Szczepanski, Melanie Tamesberger, Rajasekharan Warrier, Matthias Wolfl, Ronit Nirel, Shai Izraeli, Arndt Borkhardt, Kjeld Schmiegelow
Blood (2023) 141 (7): 743–755.
Published: 2023
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Kate Downes, Karyn Megy, Daniel Duarte, Minka Vries, Johanna Gebhart, Stefanie Hofer, Olga Shamardina, Sri V. V. Deevi, Jonathan Stephens, Rutendo Mapeta, Salih Tuna, Namir Al Hasso, Martin W. Besser, Nichola Cooper, Louise Daugherty, Nick Gleadall, Daniel Greene, Matthias Haimel, Howard Martin, Sofia Papadia, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Suthesh Sivapalaratnam, Emily Symington, Will Thomas, Chantal Thys, Alexander Tolios, Christopher J. Penkett, NIHR BioResource, Willem H. Ouwehand, Stephen Abbs, Michael A. Laffan, Ernest Turro, Ilenia Simeoni, Andrew D. Mumford, Yvonne M. C. Henskens, Ingrid Pabinger, Keith Gomez, Kathleen Freson
Blood (2019) 134 (23): 2082–2091.
Published: 2019
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD, Tama Dinur, PhD, Majdolen Istaiti, Dafna Frydman, DMV, Michal Becker-Cohen, MSc, Ari Zimran, MD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4712.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Assaf Arie Barg, Gili Kenet, Tami Livnat, PhD, Gal Goldstein, MD, Joanne Yacobovich, MD, Oded Gilad, MD, Orna Steinberg Shemer, MD MSc, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD, Hagit Miskin, MD, Amos Toren, MD PhD, Vered Shkalim, MD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4191.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Ela Shai, Ernest Turro, Nivin Jahshan, Esti Hi-Am, Galia Spectre, Hagit Daum, Yossef Kalish, Karina Althaus, Andreas Greinacher, Chaim Kaplinsky, Shai Izraeli, Rutendo Mapeta, Sri V. V. Deevi, Danuta Jarocha, Willem H. Ouwehand, Kate Downes, Mortimer Poncz, David Varon, Michele P. Lambert
Blood (2018) 132 (17): 1851–1854.
Published: 2018
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Ari Zimran, MD, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD, Deborah Elstein, PhD, Naama Arbel, Michal Becker-Cohen, MSc, Gaya Chicco, Jeff Szer, MB, BS, FRACP
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 2101.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Orna Steinberg Shemer, MD MSc, Tracie Goldberg, MD, Joanne Yacobovich, MD, Carina Levin, MDPhD, Ariel Koren, MD, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD, Tal Ben-Ami, MD, Amir A Kuperman, MD, Vered Shkalim, MD, Amos Toren, MD PhD, Joseph Kapelushnik, Ayelet Ben-Barak, MD, Hagit Miskin, MD, Tanya Krasnov, MSc, Sharon Noy-Lotan, PhD, Orly Dgany, PhD, Hannah Tamary, MD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 1182.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Sarah Elitzur, MD, Andishe Attarbaschi, MD, Susan Baird, MD, Miri Ben Harosh, MD, Lisa Hjalgrim, PhD, Shai Izraeli, MD, Michaela Kuhlen, MD, Anja Moricke, MD, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD, Kjeld Schmiegelow, MD, Martin Schrappe, MD PhD, Melanie Tamesberger, MD, Ajay Vora, MD, Arndt Borkhardt, Prof MD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 1292.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Brief Report
Sarah K. Westbury, Matthias Canault, Daniel Greene, Emilse Bermejo, Katharine Hanlon, Michele P. Lambert, Carolyn M. Millar, Paquita Nurden, Samya G. Obaji, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Chris Van Geet, Kate Downes, Sofia Papadia, Salih Tuna, Christopher Watt, NIHR BioResource–Rare Diseases Consortium, Kathleen Freson, Michael A. Laffan, Willem H. Ouwehand, Marie-Christine Alessi, Ernest Turro, Andrew D. Mumford
Blood (2017) 130 (8): 1026–1030.
Published: 2017
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD MSc, Barak Karavany, Revital Saban, MD, Orly Zelig, MD, Mira Naamad, PhD, Meir Turniansky, MIHA, Bela Savitsky, MSc, Hagit Hochner, PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1003.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Ilenia Simeoni, Jonathan C. Stephens, Fengyuan Hu, Sri V. V. Deevi, Karyn Megy, Tadbir K. Bariana, Claire Lentaigne, Sol Schulman, Suthesh Sivapalaratnam, Minka J. A. Vries, Sarah K. Westbury, Daniel Greene, Sofia Papadia, Marie-Christine Alessi, Antony P. Attwood, Matthias Ballmaier, Gareth Baynam, Emilse Bermejo, Marta Bertoli, Paul F. Bray, Loredana Bury, Marco Cattaneo, Peter Collins, Louise C. Daugherty, Rémi Favier, Deborah L. French, Bruce Furie, Michael Gattens, Manuela Germeshausen, Cedric Ghevaert, Anne C. Goodeve, Jose A. Guerrero, Daniel J. Hampshire, Daniel P. Hart, Johan W. M. Heemskerk, Yvonne M. C. Henskens, Marian Hill, Nancy Hogg, Jennifer D. Jolley, Walter H. Kahr, Anne M. Kelly, Ron Kerr, Myrto Kostadima, Shinji Kunishima, Michele P. Lambert, Ri Liesner, José A. López, Rutendo P. Mapeta, Mary Mathias, Carolyn M. Millar, Amit Nathwani, Marguerite Neerman-Arbez, Alan T. Nurden, Paquita Nurden, Maha Othman, Kathelijne Peerlinck, David J. Perry, Pawan Poudel, Pieter Reitsma, Matthew T. Rondina, Peter A. Smethurst, William Stevenson, Artur Szkotak, Salih Tuna, Christel van Geet, Deborah Whitehorn, David A. Wilcox, Bin Zhang, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Paolo Gresele, Daniel B. Bellissimo, Christopher J. Penkett, Michael A. Laffan, Andrew D. Mumford, Augusto Rendon, Keith Gomez, Kathleen Freson, Willem H. Ouwehand, Ernest Turro
Blood (2016) 127 (23): 2791–2803.
Published: 2016
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Schafiq Nabhani, PhD, Hagit Miskin, MD, Cyrill Schipp, MSc, Dan Harlev, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD MSc, Michael Gombert, PhD, Sebastian Ginzel, MSc, Arndt Borkhardt, MD, Polina Stepensky, MD, Ute Fischer, PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 2218.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Tal Ben-Ami, MD, Mohammad Natour, MD, David Rekhtman, MD, Tenenbaum Ariel, MD, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, MD MSc
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 4454.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Anja J. Gerrits, Emily A. Leven, Andrew L. Frelinger, III, Sophie L. Brigstocke, Michelle A. Berny-Lang, W. Beau Mitchell, Shoshana Revel-Vilk, Hannah Tamary, Sabrina L. Carmichael, Marc R. Barnard, Alan D. Michelson, James B. Bussel
Blood (2015) 126 (11): 1367–1378.
Published: 2015
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