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Eyal Attar
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Journal Articles
Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD MS, Megan Othus, PhD, Alan F. List, MD, Olatoyosi Odenike, MD, Richard M. Stone, MD, Steven D. Gore, MD, Mark R. Litzow, MD, Rena Buckstein, MD, Mario r Velasco, MD, Rakesh Gaur, MD, Ehab Atallah, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Frederick R. Appelbaum, MD, Harry P. Erba, MD PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): LBA-5.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Madhu S. Kumar, Anupama Narla, Atsushi Nonami, Ann Mullally, Nadya Dimitrova, Brian Ball, J. Randall McAuley, Luke Poveromo, Jeffrey L. Kutok, Naomi Galili, Azra Raza, Eyal Attar, D. Gary Gilliland, Tyler Jacks, Benjamin L. Ebert
Blood (2011) 118 (17): 4666–4673.
Published: 2011
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Julia A. Brown, Kristen Stevenson, Haesook T. Kim, Corey Cutler, Karen Ballen, Sean McDonough, Carol Reynolds, Maria Herrera, Deborah Liney, Vincent Ho, Grace Kao, Philippe Armand, John Koreth, Edwin Alyea, Steve McAfee, Eyal Attar, Bimalangshu Dey, Thomas Spitzer, Robert Soiffer, Jerome Ritz, Joseph H. Antin, Vassiliki A. Boussiotis
Blood (2010) 115 (20): 4111–4119.
Published: 2010
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Philip C. Amrein, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Tak Takvorian, M.D., Ephraim Hochberg, Karen K. Ballen, MD, Kathleen M. Leahy, Donna Neuberg, ScD, Jennifer R. Brown, MD, PhD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 3162.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Julia Brown, PhD, Sean McDonough, Kristin Stevenson, PhD, Carol Reynolds, Haesook Kim, PhD, Edwin P Alyea, III, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, David Avigan, MD, Corey S Cutler, Bimalangshu Dey, MD, Vincent Ho, Robin Joyce, James D Levine, Steven L McAfee, MD, Jacalyn Rosenblatt, Robert J. Soiffer, MD, Thomas Spitzer, Dimitrios Tzachanis, MD, Karen K Ballen, MD, Jerome Ritz, MD, Vassiliki Boussiotis, MD, PhD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 1167.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Sonia Vallet, MD, Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, Nileshwari Vaghela, MS, Samantha Pozzi, MD, Loredana Santo, MD, Diana Cirstea, MD, Mariateresa Fulciniti, PhD, Aliyah Rahemtullah, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Alexander R Guimaraes, Wanling Xie, Chirayu Patel, Jesse Schoonmaker, Edie Weller, PhD, Teru Hideshima, M.D., Ph.D., Nikhil C. Munshi, MD, Jas Seehra, David T. Scadden, MD, Kenneth C Anderson, MD, Noopur Raje, MD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 645.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Meghan Delaney, DO, Beow Yeap, Sc.D, Richard L. Haspel, MD, PhD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, Steven L. McAfee, MD, Bimalangshu Dey, MD, PhD, Eyal Attar, MD, Grace Kao, MD, Edwin Alyea, MD, Stephanie Lee, MD, Corey Cutler, MD, Vincent Ho, MD, Robert J. Soiffer, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, Ballen Karen, MD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 2032.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD, PhD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, Thomas E. MacGillivray, MD, Stephen S. Chung, MD, G.W. Dec, MD, David C. Seldin, MD, Steven L. McAfee, MD, Karen Ballen, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Martha Skinner, MD, Joren C. Madsen, MD, DPhil, Marc J. Semigran, MD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 732.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Benjamin L. Ebert, MD, PhD, Jennifer Pretz, Jocelyn Bosco, Cindy Y. Chang, Pablo Tamayo, PhD, Naomi Galili, PhD, Azra Raza, MD, David Root, PhD, Eyal Attar, MD, Steven R. Ellis, PhD, Todd R. Golub, MD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 1.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Stephen S. Chung, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, David T. Ting, MD, Christine Dube, Andrew J. Yee, MD, Karen Ballen, MD, Steven L. McAfee, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD, PhD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 5128.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD, PhD, Andrew J. Yee, MD, Steven McAfee, MD, Christine Dube, Karen Ballen, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Christine Colby, Susan Saidman, PhD, Karen Malikowski, Frederic Preffer, PhD, Megan Sykes, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 5088.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Julia Brown, PhD, Karen Ballen, MD, Sean McDonough, Xupeng Ge, MD, PhD, Kristen Stevenson, PhD, Haesook Kim, PhD, Carol Reynolds, Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD, PhD, Steve McAfee, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Thomas Spitzer, MD, Corey Cutler, MD, Vincent Ho, MD, Edwin Alyea, MD, Robert Soiffer, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, Jerome Ritz, MD, Vassiliki A. Boussiotis, MD, PhD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 1057.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
David T. Ting, MD, Karen Ballen, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, Richard L. Haspel, MD, Michelle Dorn, Fred Preffer, PhD, Vassiliki Boussiotis, MD PhD, Steven McAfee, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, Robert J. Soiffer, MD, Corey Cutler, MD MPH, Vincent Ho, MD, Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 3148.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Yoriko Saito, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Samyukta Jana, BS, David Dombkowski, BS, Viktor Janzen, MD, Byeong-Chel Lee, PhD, Alastair D. Morrison, PhD, Alejandro Abuin, PhD, Sue Pickering, PhD, George P. Livi, PhD, Gregor B. Adams, PhD, David T. Scadden, MD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 679.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Karen K. Ballen, MD, Corey Cutler, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, Beow Yeap, ScD, Steve McAfee, MD, Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Richard L. Haspel, MD, PhD, Edwin Alyea, MD, Vincent Ho, MD, Robert J. Soiffer, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 605.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
David T. Ting, MD, Bimalangshu Dey, MD, Ahmed Chaudhary, Christine Colby, Karen Power, Steven McAfee, MD, Karen Ballen, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Susan Saidman, Frederick Preffer, Robert Sackstein, MD, PhD, Juanita Shaffer, Megan Sykes, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 3665.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, Steven L. McAfee, MD, Dey R. Bimalangshu, MD, Karen Ballen, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Christine Colby, PharmD, Fred Preffer, PhD, Susan Saidman, PhD, Juanita Shaffer, David H. Sachs, MD, Megan Sykes, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 5431.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Karen K. Ballen, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD, Beow Yeap, ScD, McAfee Steve, MD, Bimalanghsu R. Dey, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Edwin Alyea, MD, Corey Cutler, MD, Vincent Ho, MD, Stephanie Lee, MD, Robert Soiffer, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 2048.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Karen K. Ballen, MD, Elizabeth J. Shpall, MD, David Avigan, MD, Beow Yeap, ScD, Steve McAfee, MD, Bimalangshu R. Dey, MD, Eyal Attar, MD, Henry Kronenberg, MD, Joseph H. Antin, MD, Thomas R. Spitzer, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 1968.
Published: 2005
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