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Andrew R. Pettitt
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Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Andy C Rawstron, BSc, PhD, Talha Munir, Samuel Muñoz-Vicente, Kristian Brock, MSc, BSc, Francesca J Yates, PhD MSci, Rebecca Bishop, BSc, Surita Dalal, Ruth Mary de Tute, PhD FRCPath, Adrian Bloor, Oonagh M Sheehy, MB BSc FRCP FRCPAth, Andrew R. Pettitt, Christopher P Fox, MBChB, MRCP, FRCPath, Christopher Fegan, Stephen Devereux, PhD FRCP, FRCPath, Donald Macdonald, Peter Hillmen
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 2049.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Pauline Robbe, Kate Ridout, Jennifer Becq, Miao He, Ruth Clifford, MD, Reem Alsolami, Adam Burns, Samantha JL Knight, Melanie Oates, Dena Howard, Andrew R. Pettitt, Augusto Rendon, Niko Popitsch, Peter Hillmen, Jenny C Taylor, Mark Caulfield, David Bentley, Clare Turnbull, Anna Schuh, MD PhD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 2022.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Karl-Anton Kreuzer, Richard R. Furman, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Ronald L. Dubowy, Yeonhee Kim, Veerendra Munugalavadla, Esther Lilienweiss, Hans Christian Reinhardt, Andrew R. Pettitt, Michael Hallek
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 192.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Ian W. Flinn, MD PhD, Carole B. Miller, MD, Kirit M Ardeshna, Scott Tetreault, MD, Sarit E. Assouline, MD MSc, Pier Luigi Zinzani, MD PhD, Jiri Mayer, MD, Michele Merli, MD, Scott D Lunin, MD, Andrew R. Pettitt, Zsolt Nagy, MD PhD, Oliver Tournilhac, MD, Karim Etienne Abou-Nassar, MD, Michael Crump, MD, Eric D. Jacobsen, MD, Sven de Vos, MD PhD, Pedro Santabarbara, MD, Weiliang Shi, PhD, Lori Steelman, MA, Nina D. Wagner-Johnston, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1218.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Matthew John Jerome Rose-Zerilli, PhD, Helen Parker, Marta Larrayoz, PhD, Ruth Clifford, Stuart Blakemore, Jennifer Edelmann, MD, Jane Gibson, Jun Wang, Viktor Ljungstrom, Tracy Chaplin, Ali Roghanian, Zadie Davis, Anton Parker, BSc, Eugen Tausch, MD, Stavroula Ntoufa, Sara Ramos, Pauline Robbe, MSc, Andrew J Steele, PhD, Graham Packham, PhD, Ana E. Rodriguez, Lee Brown, Feargal McNicholl, Francesco Forconi, MD DM, PhD FRCPath, Andrew R Pettitt, MRCP PhD, Peter Hillmen, Martin J.S. Dyer, Prof., Mark S Cragg, PhD, Bryan D Young, BSc, PhD, Claude Chelala, Richard Rosenquist, Kostas Stamatopoulos, MD, Stephan Stilgenbauer, Samantha Knight, Anna Schuh, MD PhD, David Oscier, Jonathan C Strefford, PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 365.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Gina L Eagle, PhD, Rosalind E Jenkins, PhD, Kathleen J Till, PhD, Jithesh Puthen, PhD, Ke Lin, PhD, Gillian G Johnson, PhD, Melanie Oates, PhD, Kevin Park, PhD, Neil R Kitteringham, PhD, Jianguo Zhuang, PhD, Andrew R Pettitt, MRCP, PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 718.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Samantha JL Knight, PhD CBiol, MSB, FRCPath, Ruth Clifford, MD, Pauline Robbe, MSc, Sara DC Ramos, MSc, Adam Burns, BSc, Adele T Timbs, MSc, Reem Alsolami, BSc, Susanne Weller, PhD, Angela Hamblin, MDPhD, Joanne Mason, PhD, Melanie Oates, PhD, Michalis Titsias, PhD, Christopher Yau, DPhil, Chris C Holmes, PhD, Andrew R Pettitt, FRCP, PhD, Peter Hillmen, MB, ChB, PhD, Jenny Taylor, DPhil, Anna Shuh, MD PhD FRCP, FRCPath
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 3315.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Pauline Robbe, MSc, Romain Guièze, MD, Ruth M Clifford, MD, Sophie de Guibert, Adele Timbs, MSc, Marie-Sarah Dilhuydy, MD, Maite Cabes, BSc, Loic Ysebaert, MDPhD, Adam Burns, BSc, Florence Nguyen-Khac, MDPhD, Frederic Davi, MD PhD, Lauren Veronese, MD PhD, Patricia Combes, Magali Le Garff-Tavernier, MD PhD, Veronique Leblond, MD PhD, Hélène Merle-Béral, MD PhD, Reem Alsolami, MSc, Susanne Weller, PhD, Angela Hamblin, MDPhD, Joanne Mason, PhD, Andrew R Pettitt, MRCP, PhD, Peter Hillmen, MB, ChB, PhD, Jenny Taylor, DPhil, Samantha JL Knight, PhD CBiol, MSB, FRCPath, Anna Schuh, MDPhD, Olivier Tournilhac, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 1974.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Andy Rawstron, PhD, Claudia Fazi, PhD, Neus Villamor, MD PhD, Julio Delgado, MD PhD, Remi Letestu, MD PhD, Florence Cymbalista, MD, Carlos Palacio, Francesc Bosch, MD PhD, Ruth M De Tute, MSc, Stuart Liptrot, David O'Brien, FAMLs, Martin Spacek, MD, PhD, Johan Dobber, Arnon P. Kater, MD PhD, Peter C Gambell, David A Westerman, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, Asha Soosapilla, Stephen P. Mulligan, MBBS, PhD FRACP, FRCPA, Gerard Lozanski, MD, Ke Lin, PhD, Andrew R Pettitt, MRCP, PhD, Gabi Brachtl, Alexander Egle, MD, David W Williamson, PhD, Catherine M Sanders, PhD, Harlan Robins, PhD, Justin Boysen, Tait D. Shanafelt, MD, Curtis A. Hanson, MD, Jeffrey L. Jorgensen, MD PhD, William G. Wierda, MD PhD, Constance Yuan, MD PhD, Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson, MD PhD, Laura Rassenti, PhD, H. Elizabeth Broome, MD, Thomas J. Kipps, MD PhD, Mathieu Hauwel, Iuri Marinov, Fiona E. Craig, MBBS, Nomdedeu Josep, Carol Moreno, MD, Olga Stehlikova, MSc., Michael Doubek, Sarka Pospisilova, Prof., Dr., PhD, Karl-Anton Kreuzer, MD, Michael Hallek, MD, Peter Hillmen, MBChB, PhD, Emili Montserrat, MD PhD, Paolo Ghia, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 1976.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Chantal Hargreaves, PhD, Chisako Iriyama, MD PhD, Matthew JJ Rose-Zerilli, PhD, Charlotte Lee, BSc, Kathleen Potter, PhD, Rosalind Ganderton, Khiyam Hussain, Lee Machado, PhD, Edward Hollox, Sarah E Coupland, MBBS, PhD, Michael Stackpole, Melanie Oates, PhD, Andrew R. Pettitt, PhD MRCPath, Mark Cragg, PhD, Jonathan C Strefford, PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 2996.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Gillian G. Johnson, Ke Lin, Trevor F. Cox, Melanie Oates, David R. Sibson, Richard Eccles, Bryony Lloyd, Laura-Jayne Gardiner, Daniel F. Carr, Munir Pirmohamed, Jonathan C. Strefford, David G. Oscier, David Gonzalez de Castro, Monica Else, Daniel Catovsky, Andrew R. Pettitt
Blood (2013) 122 (26): 4253–4258.
Published: 2013
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Richard R. Furman, MD, Jeff P. Sharman, MD, Steven E. Coutre, MD, Bruce D. Cheson, MD, John M. Pagel, MD, PhD, Peter Hillmen, MBChB, PhD, Jacqueline C. Barrientos, MD, Andrew D. Zelenetz, MD, PhD, Thomas J. Kipps, MD, PhD, Ian Flinn, MD, PhD, Paolo Ghia, MD, PhD, Herbert Eradat, MD, Thomas Ervin, MD, Nicole Lamanna, MD, Michael Hallek, MD, Bertrand Coiffier, MD, PhD, Andrew R. Pettitt, PhD, FRCPath, Shuo Ma, MD, PhD, Stephan Stilgenbauer, MD, Paula Cramer, MD, Maria Aiello, Dave M. Johnson, Langdon L. Miller, MD, Daniel Li, PhD, Thomas M. Jahn, MD, PhD, Roger D. Dansey, MD, Susan M. O'Brien, MD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): LBA-6.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Abraham M Varghese, Hazem A. Sayala, MBChB, MRCP, Paul Moreton, Richard A Jones, Andy Rawstron, PhD, J Sheila, Paul Evans, Carter Anthony, Claire E. Dearden, MD, Estella Matutes, Andrew R. Pettitt, PhD, MRCPath, Daniel B. Kennedy, Sharon Barrans, Lisa Worrillow, Peter Hillmen, MBChB, FRCP, FRCPath, PhD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 922.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Peter Hillmen, MB, ChB, PhD, John G. Gribben, MD, DSc, George A. Follows, Donald Milligan, MD, MBChB, Hazem A. Sayala, MBChB, MRCP, Paul Moreton, David G. Oscier, Claire E. Dearden, MD, Daniel B. Kennedy, Andrew R. Pettitt, PhD, MRCPath, Amit Nathwani, MD, PhD, Dena Cohen, Andy Rawstron, PhD, Christopher F.E. Pocock, MD, PhD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 697.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Samantha JL Knight, Elham Sadighi Akha, Adele Timbs, Tariq Enver, Andrew R Pettitt, Jenny Taylor, Chris S Hatton, Anna Schuh
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 1098.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Peter Hillmen, MB, ChB, PhD, John G. Gribben, MD, DSc, George A Follows, Donald W. Milligan, MD, MBChB, Hazem A. Sayala, MBChB, MRCP, Paul Moreton, David Oscier, MD, Claire E. Dearden, MD, Daniel B. Kennedy, Andrew R. Pettitt, PhD, MRCPath, Amit Nathwani, MD, PhD, Dena Cohen, Walter M Gregory, Andy C. Rawstron, PhD, Colin R.W. Hayward, MBBS, Christopher Pocock
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 3428.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Peter Hillmen, MBChB, PhD, Christopher Pocock, MB, BS, PhD, Dena Cohen, MSc, Kim Cocks, MSc, Hazem A. Sayala, MB, BCh, Andy Rawstron, PhD, Daniel B. Kennedy, MB, ChB, Christopher Fegan, MB, BS, Don W. Milligan, MB, ChB, Claire Dearden, MB, BS, Alexandra Smith, BSc, Emma Lindop, BSc, Andrew R. Pettitt, MB, BChir, PhD
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 752.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Elaine Willmore, PhD, Geoffrey P. Summerfield, MD, Tryfonia Mainou-Fowler, PhD, Graham H. Jackson, MD, Anthony Carter, Andrew R. Pettitt, MD, Barbara W. Durkacz, PhD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 523.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Hazem A. Sayala, MD, Paul Moreton, MD, Richard A. Jones, PhD, Andy C. Rawstron, PhD, Sheila J. O’Connor, PhD, Paul Evans, PhD, Carter Anthony, MsC, Claire Dearden, MD, Estella Matutes, MD, PhD, Andrew R. Pettitt, MD, PhD, Daniel B. Kennedy, MD, Peter Hillmen, MD, PhD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 34.
Published: 2006
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