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Nadine Morineau
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Journal Articles
Herve Ghesquieres, Krimo Bouabdallah, Marc Andre, Philippe Quittet, Cecile Borel, Aspasia Stamatoulas Bastard, Michael Gilbertson, Fabien Le Bras, Catherine Thieblemont, Baptiste Delapierre, Mohamed Touati, Pierre Feugier, Julien Lazarovici, Nadine Morineau, Thomas Gastinne, Isabelle Chaillol, Rod Ramchandren, Harsh Shah, Dipenkumar Modi, Heather Allewelt, Pierre Fustier, Jianfeng Xu, Amit Agarwal, Franck Morschhauser, Cedric Rossi
Blood (2023) 142 (Supplement 1): 1717.
Published: 2023
Journal Articles
Vincent Marmouset, Justine Decroocq, Sylvain Garciaz, Gabriel Etienne, Amine Belhabri, Sarah Bertoli, Lauris Gastaud, Celestine Simand, Sylvain Chantepie, Madalina Uzunov, Alexis Genthon, Celine Berthon, Edmond Chiche, Pierre-Yves Dumas, Jacques Vargaftig, Géraldine Salmeron, Emilie Lemasle, Emmanuelle Tavernier, Jeremy Delage, Marion Loirat, Nadine Morineau, Felix Blanc-Durand, Patricia Pautier, Veronique Vergé, Nathalie Auger, Myrtille Thomas, Laetitia Stefani, Marion Lepelley, Thomas Boyer, Sylvain Thepot, Marie-Pierre Gourin, Pascal Bourquard, Matthieu Duchmann, Pierre Morice, Mauricette Michallet, Lionel Ades, Pierre Fenaux, Christian Recher, Hervé Dombret, Arnaud Pages, Christophe Marzac, Alexandra Leary, Jean-Baptiste Micol
Blood (2022) 140 (Supplement 1): 12335–12338.
Published: 2022
Journal Articles
Herve Ghesquieres, MD PhD, Cedric Rossi, MD PhD, Fanny Cherblanc, PhD, Sandra Le Guyader, PhD, Fontanet Bijou, MD, Pierre Sujobert, MD PhD, Pascale Fabbro-Peray, MD PhD, Luc Mathieu Fornecker, MD PhD, Adeline Bernier, PhD, Isabelle Baldi, MD PhD, Krimo Bouabdallah, MD, Camille Laurent, MD PhD, Lucie Oberic, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Gilles A. Salles, MD PhD, Loic Ysebaert, MD PhD, Alain Monnereau, MD PhD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4762.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Sophie Vantyghem, Pierre Peterlin, Sylvain Thepot, MD, Audrey Ménard, Viviane Dubruille, MD, Camille Debord, PharmD, Thierry Guillaume, MD PhD, Alice Garnier, MD, Amandine Le Bourgeois, MD, Soraya Wuilleme, PharmD, PhD, Catherine Godon, MD, Olivier Theisen, MD, Marion Eveillard, Jacques Delaunay, MD, Herve Maisonneuve, MD, Bruno Villemagne, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Stéphane Vigouroux, MD, Francois Subiger, MD, Elsa Lestang, MD, Marion Loirat, MD, Anne Parcelier, MD, Pascal Godmer, MD, Mélanie Mercier, MD, Damien Luque Paz, Lenaig Le Clech, MD, Ronan Le Calloch, MD, Mathilde Hunault, MD PhD, Valerie Ugo, Philippe Moreau, MD, Steven Le Gouill, Patrice Chevallier, MD, Marie-Christine Bene, PharmSciD, PhD, Yannick LE Bris, PharmD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 5771.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Gaëlle Labouré, Marie-Cécile Parrens, MD, Anjarasoa Tsaranazy, Magali Bordier, Steven Le Gouill, MD PhD, Vincent Delwail, MD, Remy Gressin, MD, Jérôme Cornillon, MD, Gandhi Damaj, MD PhD, Charles Yves Foussard, MD, Herve Maisonneuve, MD, Eric Deconinck, MD PhD, Guillaume Cartron, MD PhD, Francois Dreyfus, MD, Emmanuel Gyan, MD PhD, Laurent Sutton, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Magda Alexis, Anne Banos, MD, Diane Damotte, MD PhD, Anne Moreau, MD, Françoise Kraeber-Bodéré, MD PhD, Delphine Rossille, PhD, Thierry Fest, MD PhD, Thierry Lamy, MD PhD, Noel Milpied, MD PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 3920.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Remy Gressin, MD, Mary Callanan, MD PhD, Nicolas Daguindau, MD, Adrian Tempescul, MD, Sylvain Carras, Marie Pierre Moles, MD, Guillaume Cartron, MD, Roch Houot, MD PhD, Caroline Dartigeas, MD, Jean Michel Pignon, MD, Selim Corm, MD PhD, Anne Banos, MD, Christiane Mounier, MD, Jehan Dupuis, MD, Margareth Macro, MD, Joel Fleury, MD, Fabrice Jardin, MD PhD, Lionel Karlin, Pierre Feugier, MD PhD, Luc Matthieu Fornecker, MD, Cecile Chabrot, Veronique Dorvaux, MD, Krimo Bouabdallah, MD, Sandy Amorin, MD, Reda Garidi, MD, Laurent Voillat, MD, Bertrand Joly, MD, Katell Le Dû, Nadine Morineau, Hacene Zerazhi, MD, Jean Fontan, Yazid Arkam, MD, Magda Alexis, MD, Vincent Delwail, MD, Jean Pierre Vilque, MD, Loic Ysebaert, MDPhD, Steven Le Gouill, MD PhD, Ghandi Damaj, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 148.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Marion Loirat, Patrice Chevalier, MD, Christophe Leux, MD, Anne Moreau, MD, Céline Bossard, MDPhD, Thierry Guillaume, Thomas Gastinne, MD, Jacques Delaunay, MD, Nicolas Blin, MD, Beatrice Mahe, MD, Viviane Dubruille, MD, Karine Augel-Meunier, Pierre Peterlin, MD, Herve Maisonneuve, MD, Nadine Morineau, Philippe Moreau, MD, Henry Jardel, Mohamad Mohty, MD PhD, Philippe Moreau, MD, Steven Legouill, MDPhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 1217.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Remy Gressin, MD, Mary Callanan, MD, PhD, Nicolas Daguindau, MD, Adrian Tempescul, MD, Sylvain Carras, Guillaume Cartron, MD, PhD, Anne Schmitt, MD, Roch Houot, MD, PhD, Caroline Dartigeas, MD, Jean Michel Pignon, MD, Selim Corm, MD, PhD, Anne Banos, MD, Jehan Dupuis, MD, Christiane Mounier, MD, Margareth Macro, MD, Joel Fleury, MD, Fabrice Jardin, MD, PhD, Lionel Kardin, MD, Gandhi Damaj, MD, Pierre Feugier, MD, PhD, luc Matthieu Fornacker, MD, Cecile molucon Chabrot, MD, Veronique Dorvaux, MD, Krimo Bouabdallah, MD, Sandy Amorin, MD, Reda Garidi, MD, Laurent Voillat, MD, Bertrand Joly, MD, Philippe Solal-Céligny, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Marie Pierre Moles, MD, Hacene Zerazhi, MD, Jean Fontan, MD, Yazid Arkam, MD, Magda Alexis, MD, Vincent Delwail, MD, Jean Pierre Vilque, MD, Loic Ysebaert, MD PhD, Steven Le Gouill, MD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 370.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Laurence Lodé, Audrey Ménard, Marion Loirat, Maxime Halliez, Steven Richebourg, Pascaline Talmant, Catherine Godon, Olivier Theisen, Yannick Le Bris, Cécile Girard, Nicolas Blin, Odile Luycx, Sophie Sadot-Lebouvier, Nadine Morineau, Pascal Godmer, François Subiger, Bruno Villemagne, Marion Eveillard, Soraya Wuillème, Alexander Kohlmann, PhD, Philippe Moreau, MD, Jacques Delaunay, MD, Marie C Bene, PharmSciD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 520.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Mathias Vilaine, Victor Gourain, Cédric Cleyrat, Delphine Feron, Francois Girodon, MD, PhD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Ashot Harutyunyan, Robert Kralovics, Sylvie Hermouet, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 1764.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Françoise Kraeber-Bodere, MD, PhD, Amandine Pallardy, MD, Steven Le Gouill, Hervé Maisonneuve, MD, Thierry Lamy, MD, Krimo Bouabdallah, MD, Noel Milpied, MD, Henry Jardel, MD, Eric Deconinck, MD, PhD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Charles Foussard, MD, Annie Brion, MD, Remy Gressin, MD, Olivier Tournilhac, MD, PhD, Emmanuel Gyan, MD, PhD, Anne Moreau, MD, Christian Berthou, MD, Francois Dreyfus, Caroline Bodet-Milin, MD, Anne-Laure Cazeau, MD, Etienne Garin, MD, PhD, Jean-Philippe Vuillez, MD, PhD, Loic Campion, MD, Philippe Moreau, MD, William A Wegener, MD, PhD, David M Goldenberg, ScD, MD, Pierre Soubeyran, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 906.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Thomas Gastinne, Pierre-yves Le roux, Caroline bodet-Milin, Beatrice Mahe, Viviane Dubruille, Nicolas Blin, Nadine Morineau, MD, Herve Maisonneuve, MD, Anne Moreau, Philippe Moreau, Jean-Luc Harousseau, Pierre-Yves Salaun, Françoise kraeber-Bodere, Steven Le Gouill
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 3889.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Stéphanie Harel, Emmanuel Bachy, Corinne Haioun, MD, PhD, Emmanuel Gyan, MD, PhD, Gandhi Damaj, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Bertrand Arnulf, Olivier Hermine, MD, PhD, Richard Delarue, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 1794.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Noel-Jean Milpied, MD, Steven Legouill, Thierry Lamy, Vincent Delwail, Remy Gressin, MD, Denis Guyotat, Gandhi Damaj, MD, Charles Foussard, MD, Philippe Quittet, MD, Herve Maisonneuve, MD, Eric Deconinck, Francois Dreyfus, MD, Emmanuel Gyan, MD, PhD, Laurent Sutton, Nadine Morineau, MD, Magda Alexis, MD, Frederic Perry, Mathieu Sauvezie
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 685.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Françoise kraeber-Bodere, Hervé Maisonneuve, MD, Thierry Lamy, Steven Le Gouill, Eric Deconninck, MD, Amandine Pallardy, Caroline bodet-Milin, Noel Milpied, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Charles Foussard, MD, Thomas Gastinne, Remy Gressin, MD, Olivier Tournilhac, MD, PhD, Emmanuel Gyan, MD, PhD, Anne Moreau, Alain Faivre-Chauvet, Anne-Laure Cazeau, Etienne Garin, Jean-Philippe Vuillez, Jean-François Chatal, Jean-Luc Harousseau, Philippe Moreau, William Wegener, MD, PhD, David Goldenberg, Pierre Soubeyran, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 2875.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Xavier Cahu, Caroline Bodet-Milin, Thomas Gastinne, Hervé Maisonneuve, Nadine Morineau, Gandhi Damaj, Philippe Solal-Celigny, Philippe Moreau, Henri Jardel, Philippe Moreau, Jean-Luc Harousseau, Françoise Kraeber-Bodéré, Steven Le Gouill, MD, PhD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 2835.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Virginie Roland, Caroline Bodet Milin, Anne Moreau, Thomas Gastinne, Beatrice Mahe, Viviane Dubruille, Hervé Maisonneuve, Nadine Morineau, Philippe Moreau, Henri Jardel, Lucie Planche, Philippe Moreau, Jean- Luc Harousseau, Françoise Kraeber bodere, Steven Le Gouill, MD, PhD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 2177.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Violaine Safar, Thomas Gastinne, Noel Milpied, MD, Hervé Maisonneuve, Nadine Morineau, Viviane Dubruille, Beatrice Mahé, Philippe Moreau, Henri Jardel, Lucie Planche, Philippe Moreau, Jean-Luc Harousseau, Steven Le Gouill, MD
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 2190.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Noel-Jean Milpied, MD, Reza Tabrizi, MD, Thierry Guillaume, MD, Patrice Chevallier, MD, Arnaud Pigneux, MD, Jean Michel Boiron, MD, Philippe Moreau, MD, Beatrice Mahe, MD, Thibaut Leguay, MD, Krimo Bouabdallah, MD, Nadine Morineau, MD, Jacques Delaunay, MD, Cyril Melot, Beatrice Saulquin, Gerald Marit, MD, Jean Luc Harousseau, MD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 3015.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Viviane Dubruille, Nadine Morineau, Philippe Moreau, Thierry Guillaume, Beatrice Mahe, Patrice Chevalier, Harouseau Jean Luc, Milpied Noel
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 916.
Published: 2004
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