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John Crowley
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Journal Articles
Sikander Ailawadhi, MD, Susanna Joan Jacobus, MSc, Rachael Sexton, MS, A. Keith Stewart, MD, Angela Dispenzieri, MD, Mohamad A. Hussein, Jeffrey Zonder, MD, John Crowley, PhD, Antje Hoering, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Robert Z. Orlowski, PhD, MD, S. Vincent Rajkumar, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 1192.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Frits van Rhee, MD PhD, Alan Mitchell, Maurizio Zangari, MD, Jeffery Sawyer, Sarah Waheed, MD, Rashid Z Khan, MD, Christoph Heuck, MD, Sharmilan Thanendrarajan, MD, Carolina Schinke, MD, Yogesh Jethava, MD, Xenofon Papanikolaou, MD, Monica Grazziutti, Nathan Petty, MS, Douglas Steward, Susan Panozzo, Clyde Bailey, Antje Hoering, John Crowley, PhD, Faith E Davies, MD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Gareth J Morgan, MDPhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 3181.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Shmuel Yaccoby, PhD, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Sarah K. Johnson, PhD, Pingping Qu, PhD, Frits van Rhee, MD PhD, Yogesh Jethava, MB, MRCP, MD FRCPath, Caleb K. Stein, MS, Emily Hansen, Alan Mitchell, Maurizio Zangari, MD, Christoph Heuck, MD, Rashid Z Khan, MD, Xenofon Papanikolaou, MD, Faith E Davies, MD, Antje Hoering, PhD, John Crowley, PhD, Niels Weinhold, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Gareth J Morgan, MDPhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 1806.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Shmuel Yaccoby, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Pingping Qu, PhD, Frits van Rhee, MD PhD, Maurizio Zangari, MD, Christoph Heuck, MD, Faith E Davies, MD, Alan Mitchell, Antje Hoering, PhD, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Gareth J Morgan, MDPhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 1808.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Caleb K Stein, MS, Pingping Qu, PhD, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Adam Rosenthal, Rachel Hunter-Merrill, Ryan Williams, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 3355.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Rashid Z Khan, MD, Christoph Heuck, MD, Adam Rosenthal, Caleb K Stein, MS, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Shmuel Yaccoby, PhD, Xenofon Papanikolaou, MD, Yogesh Jethava, MB, MRCP, MD FRCPath, Maurizio Zangari, MD, Frits Van Rhee, Madhav V. Dhodapkar, MD, Gareth J Morgan, MD PhD, Antje Hoering, PhD, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 2078.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Bart Barlogie, MD PhD, Alan Mitchell, Frits van Rhee, MD PhD, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Shmuel Yaccoby, PhD, Maurizio Zangari, MD, Christoph Heuck, MD, Antje Hoering, PhD, Gareth J. Morgan, MD PhD, John Crowley, PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 195.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Xing-Ding Zhang, PhD, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani, PhD, Heather Yan Lin, PhD, George Mulligan, PhD, Bin Li, PhD, Dixie-Lee Esseltine, MD, Lin Qi, PhD, Jian-Liang Xu, PhD, Walter Hunziker, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD, Saad Z. Usmani, MD, Qing Zhang, PhD, John Crowley, PhD, Antje Hoering, PhD, Bing-Zong Li, MD, PhD, Huihan Wang, MD, PhD, Jiexin Zhang, M.S., Isere Kuiatse, PhD, Jin-Le Tang, PhD, Jin He, Jing Yang, PhD, Richard Eric Davis, MD, Wencai Ma, PhD, Zhiqiang Wang, PhD, Lin Yang, MD, PhD, Robert Z. Orlowski, PhD MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 3414.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Blood (2014) 124 (20): 3043–3051.
Published: 2014
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Madhav V. Dhodapkar, Rachael Sexton, Sarah Waheed, Saad Usmani, Xenofon Papanikolaou, Bijay Nair, Nathan Petty, John D. Shaughnessy, Jr, Antje Hoering, John Crowley, Robert Z. Orlowski, Bart Barlogie
Blood (2014) 123 (1): 78–85.
Published: 2014
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Christoph Heuck, MD, Frits van Rhee, MD, PhD, Alan Mitchell, Adam Rosenthal, Sarah Waheed, MD, Nathan M Petty, MS, Clyde Bailey, Ryan Williams, Ryan van Laar, PhD, Susan B. Panozzo, BS, Jeffrey Sawyer, PhD, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 126.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Christoph Heuck, MD, Pingping Qu, PhD, Frits van Rhee, MD, PhD, Sarah Waheed, MD, Saad Z Usmani, MD, FACP, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Qing Zhang, PhD, Antje Hoering, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 125.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Saad Z Usmani, MD, FACP, Kelly Stratton, Emily Hansen, MS, Qing Zhang, PhD, Susan B. Panozzo, BS, Nathan M Petty, MS, Antje Hoering, Sarah Waheed, MD, Frits van Rhee, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 3191.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Adam Rosenthal, Christoph Heuck, MD, Aziz Bakhous, M.D., Frits van Rhee, MD, PhD, Antje Hoering, PhD, Sarah Waheed, MD, Nathan M Petty, MS, Clyde Bailey, Donald Johann, MD, MS, Joshua Epstein, DSc, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 1870.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Christoph Heuck, MD, Pingping Qu, PhD, Emily Hansen, MS, Qing Zhang, PhD, Adam Rosenthal, Frits van Rhee, MD, PhD, Sarah Waheed, MD, Shebli Atrash, MD, Purvi Patel, Antje Hoering, PhD, Joshua Epstein, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 1913.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Brief Report
Saad Z. Usmani, Jeffrey Sawyer, Adam Rosenthal, Michele Cottler-Fox, Joshua Epstein, Shmuel Yaccoby, Rachael Sexton, Antje Hoering, Zeba Singh, Christoph J. Heuck, Sarah Waheed, Nabeel Chauhan, Donald Johann, Al-Ola Abdallah, Jameel Muzaffar, Nathan Petty, Clyde Bailey, John Crowley, Frits van Rhee, Bart Barlogie
Blood (2013) 121 (23): 4753–4757.
Published: 2013
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Brief Report
Saad Z. Usmani, Alan Mitchell, Sarah Waheed, John Crowley, Antje Hoering, Nathan Petty, Tracy Brown, Twyla Bartel, Elias Anaissie, Frits van Rhee, Bart Barlogie
Blood (2013) 121 (10): 1819–1823.
Published: 2013
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Saad Z Usmani, MD, FACP, Emily Hansen, MS, Doug Steward, Sarah Waheed, MD, Susan B. Panozzo, Nathan M Petty, Shebli Atrash, MD, Al-Ola Abdallah, MD, Nisar Ahmad, MD, Antje Hoering, John Crowley, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 4083.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD, Alan Mitchell, Frits van Rhee, MD, PhD, Sarah Waheed, MD, Saad Z Usmani, MD FACP, Monica Grazziutti, MD, Alejandro Restrepo, MD, Al-Ola Abdallah, MD, Nisar Ahmad, MD, Senu Apewokin, MD, Shebli Atrash, MD, Aziz Bakhous, M.D., Sajjad Haider, MD, Surachit Kumar, MD, Jameel Muzaffar, MD, Zainab Shahid, MD, John Crowley, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 1850.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Saad Z Usmani, MD FACP, Adam Rosenthal, Rachael Sexton, Antje Hoering, Zeba N Singh, MD, Sarah Waheed, MD, Al-Ola Abdallah, MD, Jameel Muzaffar, MD, Nathan M Petty, John Crowley, PhD, Jeffrey Sawyer, PhD, Joshua Epstein, DSc, Frits van Rhee, MD, PhD, Bart Barlogie, MD, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 324.
Published: 2012
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