To the editor:
Endothelial cell protein C receptor (EPCR) plays a critical role in downregulating blood coagulation by promoting the activation of anticoagulant protein C by the thrombin:thrombomodulin (TM) complex.1 Recent studies from our laboratory and others showed that prohemostatic clotting factor, factor VII (and factor VIIa [FVIIa]) also binds EPCR with the same affinity as that of protein C and activated protein C (APC).2-4 At present, the pathophysiological significance of the EPCR interaction with FVIIa in hemostasis is unclear. We postulated earlier that FVIIa binding to EPCR may augment the hemostatic effect of FVIIa in therapeutic conditions where high concentrations of FVIIa were used to restore hemostasis.2,5,6 In these conditions, FVIIa concentration in plasma may reach as high as that of plasma protein C, and therefore, effectively competes with protein C for limited EPCR on the endothelium. This would result in the downregulation of protein C/APC-mediated anticoagulant pathway, allowing FVIIa-induced thrombin generation without impediment. If this hypothesis is correct, then blockade of EPCR-mediated anticoagulant pathway by other means should also augment FVIIa’s hemostatic effect in therapeutic conditions. Recently, Pavani et al7 showed that modified mouse FVIIa that binds EPCR exhibited superior hemostatic activity compared with wild-type mouse FVIIa and suggested that FVIIa tethering to EPCR on the endothelium may provide an extended locale of procoagulant reactions that is responsible for the procoagulant effect of FVIIa. It is conceviable that both the downregulation of APC generation and EPCR-dependent FXa generation contribute to the hemostatic effect of FVIIa in therapeutic conditions.
To determine the potential mechanism of EPCR-dependent FVIIa’s hemostatic effect in hemophilia, we investigated here the effect of mouse EPCR blocking (monoclonal antibody [mAb] 1560) and nonblocking antibodies (mAb 1567) on FVIIa-induced hemostasis in the hemophilia A mouse using the saphenous vein bleeding model.8 Both the blocking and nonblocking antibody bind to EPCR; the blocking antibody inhibits thrombin:TM-mediated protein C activation, whereas the nonblocking antibody does not.9 Neither antibody binds to mouse APC.9 The blocking antibody inhibits human FVIIa binding to mouse EPCR, whereas the nonblocking antibody does not.10 Saline or 3 different concentrations of human recombinant FVIIa were administered to hemophilia A mice via the tail vein 5 minutes before inducing saphenous vein injury. Following the injury, the time to hemostasis for each bleeding episode was recorded over a 30-minute time period, and the average time to achieve hemostasis (ATH) was calculated. Volume of blood loss was determined by measuring hemoglobin levels (see Figure 1 for details). Hemophilia A mice failed to achieve hemostasis within the 30-minute experimental time frame, whereas wild-type mice had an ATH of 64 seconds (Figure 1A). Administration of 1 mg/kg of FVIIa to hemophilia A mice had no or only a minimal effect on restoring hemostasis. Hemophilia A mice injected with 4 and 10 mg/kg of FVIIa had an ATH of 75 and 42 seconds, respectively. Both 4 and 10 mg/kg of FVIIa completely prevented the excessive blood loss in hemophilia A mice following the injury, whereas 1 mg/kg of FVIIa had no significant effect (Figure 1B).
Next, either EPCR nonblocking or blocking antibodies (4 mg/kg) were given to hemophilia A mice 35 minutes before the saphenous vein incision. Administration of either antibody alone had no significant effect on the bleeding time or the amount of blood loss (Figure 1C-D). However, a low dose of FVIIa (1 mg/kg) effectively restored hemostasis in mice pretreated with EPCR blocking antibody. In contrast, administration of EPCR nonblocking antibody failed to augment the poor hemostatic effect of 1 mg/kg of FVIIa. Plasma levels of APC in hemophilia A mice was increased following FVIIa infusion in mice pretreated with EPCR nonblocking antibody but not in mice pretreated with EPCR blocking antibody. Overall, the data presented herein provide a proof of concept to the hypothesis that blockade of endogenous protein C binding to EPCR enhances the hemostatic effect of FVIIa in therapeutic conditions. These data also fit with the hypothesis that the hemostatic effect achieved with high concentrations of FVIIa may come not only from FVIIa activation of factor X but also from the downregulation of the protein C/APC anticoagulant pathway by curtailing protein C binding to EPCR. However, blocking protein C binding to EPCR alone, in the absence of FVIIa administration, was insufficient to provide a hemostatic effect in hemophilia A mice. Recent studies of Pavani et al7 suggested that FVIIa binding to EPCR on the endothelium enhances its procoagulant effect in vivo, and this may be responsible for the hemostatic effect of FVIIa. This seems an unlikely explanation for our present observation since EPCR blocking antibody used in this study also blocks FVIIa binding to EPCR.10
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Naomi Esmon for editing the letter.
This work was supported by National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute grants HL107483 (L.V.M.R.) and UM1 HL120877 (C.T.E.).
Contribution: J.S. performed all experiments; L.V.M.R. conceived and designed the research and wrote the letter; U.R.P. contributed to the design of experiments; C.T.E. provided the reagents; and all authors contributed to the editing of the letter.
Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Correspondence: L. Vijaya Mohan Rao, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Tyler, TX 75708-3154; e-mail: