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Allen Ebens
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Journal Articles
Allen Ebens, PhD, Andrew Curd, B.Sc., Derek Sim, PhD, Elias Quijano, B.Sc., Florence Tam, M.Sc., James Coull, PhD,, Lily Huang, M.Sc., Mark Hayes, PhD, Marshall Fordyce, MD, Robert Pearson, B.Sc., Susan Whoriskey, PhD, Tumul Srivastava, PhD, Xiaojun Li, MD, Zhen Zhang, PhD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4645.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
David Dornan, Fiona Bennett, Yvonne Chen, Mark Dennis, Dan Eaton, Kristi Elkins, Dorothy French, Mary Ann T. Go, Andrew Jack, Jagath R. Junutula, Hartmut Koeppen, Jeffrey Lau, Jacqueline McBride, Andy Rawstron, Xiaoyan Shi, Nancy Yu, Shang-Fan Yu, Peng Yue, Bing Zheng, Allen Ebens, Andrew G. Polson
Blood (2009) 114 (13): 2721–2729.
Published: 2009
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Xiaoyan Shi, Ph.D, Bart Burington, Ph.D, Tom Januario, Jeffrey T Lau, Shang-Fan Yu, Allen Ebens, Ph.D, David Dornan, Ph.D
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 1593.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Andrew G. Polson, Fiona L Bennett, Yvonne Chen, Mark Dennis, Dan Eaton, Allen Ebens, Kristi Elkins, Dorothy French, Mary Ann T. Go, Andrew S Jack, Jagath Junutula, Hartmut Koeppen, Jeffery Lau, Jacqueline McBride, Lily Shi, Andy Rawston, Shang-Fan Yu, Peng Yue, Bing Zheng, David Dornan
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 2618.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Marna Williams, Dongwei Li, Reina Fuji, Franklin Fuh, Saileta Prabhu, Bing Zheng, Kristi Elkins, Shang-Fan Yu, Josefa Chuh, Christine Tan, Joanne Hongo, Helga Raab, Judy Young, Sarajane Ross, Katherine Kozak, Dan Eaton, Susan D. Spencer, Kirsten A Poon, Paul Fielder, Jay Tibbitts, Karen Berry, William Manning, Vanitha Ramakrishnan, Allen Ebens, Andrew G. Polson
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 4974.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Franklin Fuh, Reina Fuji, Kirsten A Poon, Dongwei Li, Clarissa David, Quyen Nguyen, Kathy Howell, Joseph Beyer, Paul Fielder, William Manning, Jr., Karen Berry, Vanitha Ramakrishnan, Andrew G. Polson, Allen Ebens, Saileta Prabhu, Marna Williams
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 4996.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Wei Yu Lin, Qian Gong, Dhaya Seshasayee, Zhonghua Lin, Qinglin Ou, Shiming Ye, Eric Suto, Jean Shu, Wyne Pun Lee, Ching-Wei V. Lee, Germaine Fuh, Maya Leabman, Suhasini Iyer, Kathy Howell, Thomas Gelzleichter, Joseph Beyer, Dimitry Danilenko, Sherry Yeh, Laura E. DeForge, Allen Ebens, Jeffrey S. Thompson, Christine Ambrose, Mercedesz Balazs, Melissa A. Starovasnik, Flavius Martin
Blood (2007) 110 (12): 3959–3967.
Published: 2007
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Dong Xie, Rong Deng, Jakub Baudys, Pam Chan, Randy Dere, Allen Ebens, Paul Fielder, Reina Fuji, Alane Gray, Catherine Hung, Suhas Iyer, Kathleen McKeever, Margaret Kenrick, Will Leach, Andrew Polson, Ola Saad, Jean-Philippe Stephan, Ben Quan Shen, Jay Tibbitts, Shang-Fan Yu, Saileta Prabhu
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 2361.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Dong Xie, Jakub Baudys, Pam Chan, Rong Deng, Randy Dere, Allen Ebens, Paul Fielder, Franklin Fuh, Reina Fuji, Alane Gray, Catherine Huang, Shasha Jumbe, Kathleen Makeever, Ola Saad, Jean-Philippe Stephan, Jay Tibbitts, Marna Williams, Shang-Fan Yu, Saileta Prabhu
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 2363.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Andrew G. Polson, PhD, Suzanna Clark, Changchun Du, Dan Eaton, Ph.D., Kristi Elkins, Reina N. Fuji, VMD, PhD, Mary Ann, Go, Alane Gray, Tom Januario, Hartmut Koeppen, M.D., Ph.D., Jeffery Lau, Will Leach, Elena McDorman, Ph.D., Kathleen McKeever, Ph.D., Saileta Prabhu, Ph.D., Suzie J. Scales, Ph.D., Dionysos Slaga, Susan Spencer, Marna Williams, Ph.D, David Xie, Shang-Fan Yu, Bing Zheng, Allen Ebens, PhD.
Blood (2007) 110 (11): 526.
Published: 2007
Journal Articles
Andrew G. Polson, Shang-Fan Yu, Kristi Elkins, Bing Zheng, Suzanna Clark, Gladys S. Ingle, Dionysos S. Slaga, Lynne Giere, Changchun Du, Christine Tan, Jo-Anne Hongo, Alvin Gogineni, Mary J. Cole, Richard Vandlen, Jean-Philippe Stephan, Judy Young, Wesley Chang, Suzie J. Scales, Sarajane Ross, Dan Eaton, Allen Ebens
Blood (2007) 110 (2): 616–623.
Published: 2007
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Andrew G. Polson, Shang-Fan Yu, Kristi Elkins, Bing Zheng, Suzanna Clark, Gladys Ingle, Dion Slaga, Lynne Giere, Changchun Du, Jean-Philippe Stephan, Judy Young, Richard Vandlen, Wesley Chang, Suzie Scales, Sarajane Ross, Dan Eaton, Allen Ebens
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 2524.
Published: 2006
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