The role of HDACs in cellular biology, initially limited to their effects upon histones, is now appreciated to encompass more complex regulatory functions that are dependent on their tissue expression, cellular compartment distribution, and the stage of cellular differentiation. Recently, our group has demonstrated that the newest member of the HDAC family of enzymes, HDAC11, is an important regulator of IL-10 gene expression in myeloid cells (Villagra A Nat Immunol. 2009). The role of this specific HDAC in B-cell development and differentiation is however unknown. To answer this question, we have utilized a HDAC11 promoter-driven eGFP reporter transgenic mice (TgHDAC11-eGFP) which allows the monitoring of the dynamic changes in HDAC11 gene expression/promoter activity in B-cells at different maturation stages (Heinz, N Nat. Rev. Neuroscience 2001). First, common lymphoid progenitors are devoid of HDAC11 transcriptional activation as indicated by eGFP expression. In the bone marrow, expression of eGFP moderately increases in Pro-B-cells and transitions to the Pre- and Immature B-cells respectively. Expression of eGFP doubles in the B-1 stage of differentiation in the periphery. Of note, examination of both the bone marrow and peripheral blood plasma cell compartment demonstrated increased expression of eGFP/HDAC11 mRNA at the steady-state. These results were confirmed in plasma cells isolated from normal human subjects in which HDAC11 mRNA expression was demonstrated. Strikingly, analysis of primary human multiple myeloma cells demonstrated a significantly higher HDAC11 mRNA expression in malignant cells as compared to normal plasma cells. Similar results were observed in 4/5 myeloma cell lines suggesting that perhaps HDAC11 expression might provide survival advantage to malignant plasma cells. Support to this hypothesis was further provided by studies in HDAC11KO mice in which we observed a 50% decrease in plasma cells in both the bone marrow and peripheral blood plasma cell compartments relative to wild-type mice. Taken together, we have unveiled a previously unknown role for HDAC11 in plasma cell differentiation and survival. The additional demonstration that HDAC11 is overexpressed in primary human myeloma cells provide the framework for specifically targeting this HDAC in multiple myeloma.


Alsina:Millennium: Membership on an entity’s Board of Directors or advisory committees, Research Funding. Baz:Celgene Corporation: Research Funding; Millenium: Research Funding; Bristol Myers Squibb: Research Funding; Novartis: Research Funding; Karyopharm: Research Funding; Sanofi: Research Funding.

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