Abstract 3650


Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive lymphoma with poor prognosis. Cyclin D1 (CCND1) gene amplification is a marker of MCL. Glutathione (GSH) S-transferase pi (GSTP1) is a gene on the same amplicon as CCND1. Alternative splicing of CCND1 is mediated by an A/G single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the exon 4 splice donor region. Inhibition of GSTP1 activity increased the sensitivity of MCL cell lines to cisplatin, cytarabine and bortezomib, but not doxorubicin suggesting its importance for drug resistance (Paret et al, 2005, ASH Abst #2806). Other GSH-related proteins were hypothesized to potentially be predictive biomarkers. We retrospectively analyzed DNA samples from MCL patients in a clinical trial with uniform first line chemoimmunotherapy treatment in order to study potential prognostic and predictive molecular markers including: GST M1/T1 gene copy number as well as SNPs for CCND1, GSTP1 and other GSH metabolism family of genes (described in Moyer et al, 2010 CEBP).


DNA was available from 89 MCL patients treated with R-HyperCVAD from 1999 to 2002 at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC). The CCND1 exon 4 (codon 242) SNP was evaluated using pyrosequencing. GST copy numbers were determined as previously described (Moyer et al., 2007 CCR). GSH-related gene SNP testing was performed at the Mayo Clinic Advanced Genomic Technology Center using an Illumina Golden Gate 384 plex panel [290 GSH-related SNPs (30 genes) and 94 additional SNPs in DNA damage repair and other pathways (19 genes] for GSTs and related GSH metabolism genes including GSH synthetase and GSH transporters. Comparison to ten year clinical data with an 8 year median follow-up was used under an IRB approved protocol (Romaguera et al., 2010, Br J Haematol).

For overall survival (OS) and failure free survival (FFS), each SNP was first examined by the method of Kaplan and Meier and the log-rank test. To account for multiple testing (of 300+ SNP), we used a beta-uniform mixture model to model the sets of p-values for OS and FFS separately. SNPs that had a false discovery rate (FDR) adjusted p-value of less than 0.2 were evaluated with Cox proportional hazard models to examine the association between SNP and time to event. When there was evidence of non-proportional hazards, we fitted Bayesian parametric accelerated failure regression model. All tests are two-sided. All analyses were done using SAS (v 9.1, Cary, NC) and the R statistical project (http://www.r-project.org/).


Fifteen SNPs were significantly associated with FFS or OS in univariable analysis using a FDR q-value cut off of 0.2 (Table). Ten of these SNPs remained significant with FFS or OS after adjustment for age. Prognostic SNPs included GST (GSTO1, GSTO2, GSTA5) and DNA repair (LIG1, ERCC2, RAD52) genes. GST M1/T1 gene copy numbers and SNPs for GSTP1 and CCND1 were not found to be significantly associated with FFS and OS.


DNA repair and GSH-associated gene SNPs correlated with OS and FFS in MCL patients treated with R-HyperCVAD at ten years follow-up. This is the largest MCL molecular marker study of which we are aware in a uniformly treated patient group and includes over 300 SNPs including CCND1, GSTP1, and GSH-associated metabolism pathway genes. Additional clinical trials may look at these SNPs in correlative studies.

Statistically Significant SNPs

SNPPrognostic for:GeneFunctionMed OS (mon)Med FFS (mon)
rs3730913 OS*, FFS* LIG1 Intron AA: 44.2 15.4 
 AG: NA 111 
 GG: 100 53.6 
rs3916874 OS*, FFS* ERCC2 Intron CC: 32.3 18.9 
 CG: NA 72.6 
 GG: 102 50.8 
rs1147611 OS* GSTO1 Intron AA: 58.8 — 
 AC: 85.4  
 CC: NA  
rs12664895 OS GCLC Intron AA: NA — 
 GG: 32.3  
rs156697 OS* GSTO2 Exon: AAT-> GAT AA: NA — 
 AA142: N-> D AG: NA  
 GG: 58.8  
rs157080 OS* GSTO2 Intron TT: 56.2 — 
 TG: 102  
 GG: NA  
rs2164624 OS* GSTO2 Intron TT: 78 — 
 TC: 62.5  
 CC: NA  
rs9634161 OS RAD52 Intron AA: 102 — 
 AG: NA  
 GG: 18.4  
rs568526 OS GSTO2 Intron TT: NA — 
 TC: NA  
 CC: 58.8  
rs4925 OS* GSTO1 Exon: GCT-> GAT AA: 85.3 — 
 AA140: A-> D AC: 68.8  
 CC: NA  
rs416844 OS* LIG1 Intron TT: 51.4 — 
 TG: NA  
 GG: 78  
rs717620 OS* ABCC2 5'UTR AA: NA — 
 AG: 50.7  
 GG: NA  
rs7755335 OS GSTA5 Intron AA: NA — 
 AG: 31.8  
rs8187689 OS ABCC2 Exon: T->G AA: NA — 
 AA: L->G AC: 23.1  
rs6088659 FFS* MYH7B Near gene 5' — AA: 9.38 
 AG: 50.8  
 GG: 62.1  
SNPPrognostic for:GeneFunctionMed OS (mon)Med FFS (mon)
rs3730913 OS*, FFS* LIG1 Intron AA: 44.2 15.4 
 AG: NA 111 
 GG: 100 53.6 
rs3916874 OS*, FFS* ERCC2 Intron CC: 32.3 18.9 
 CG: NA 72.6 
 GG: 102 50.8 
rs1147611 OS* GSTO1 Intron AA: 58.8 — 
 AC: 85.4  
 CC: NA  
rs12664895 OS GCLC Intron AA: NA — 
 GG: 32.3  
rs156697 OS* GSTO2 Exon: AAT-> GAT AA: NA — 
 AA142: N-> D AG: NA  
 GG: 58.8  
rs157080 OS* GSTO2 Intron TT: 56.2 — 
 TG: 102  
 GG: NA  
rs2164624 OS* GSTO2 Intron TT: 78 — 
 TC: 62.5  
 CC: NA  
rs9634161 OS RAD52 Intron AA: 102 — 
 AG: NA  
 GG: 18.4  
rs568526 OS GSTO2 Intron TT: NA — 
 TC: NA  
 CC: 58.8  
rs4925 OS* GSTO1 Exon: GCT-> GAT AA: 85.3 — 
 AA140: A-> D AC: 68.8  
 CC: NA  
rs416844 OS* LIG1 Intron TT: 51.4 — 
 TG: NA  
 GG: 78  
rs717620 OS* ABCC2 5'UTR AA: NA — 
 AG: 50.7  
 GG: NA  
rs7755335 OS GSTA5 Intron AA: NA — 
 AG: 31.8  
rs8187689 OS ABCC2 Exon: T->G AA: NA — 
 AA: L->G AC: 23.1  
rs6088659 FFS* MYH7B Near gene 5' — AA: 9.38 
 AG: 50.8  
 GG: 62.1  

Ten of these SNPs are still associated with FFS or OS after adjusted for age.

NA = Not Available.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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