Epigenetic regulation of gene expression plays a fundamental role during tissue specification and cellular memory. Cells that are committed to a given lineage, for example during hematopoiesis, “remember” their phenotype throughout successive rounds of cell division, reflecting alterations in chromatin structure at genes that are permanently activated or silenced. Cellular memory is anchored in specific sets of histone modifications, which together form the basis for the histone code. This is illustrated in the methylation of histone molecules: while methylation of histone H3 on lysines 4, 36, and 79 is linked with gene activation, methylation of H3 on lysines 9 and 27 and histone H4 on lysine 20 is associated with transcriptionally silent heterochromatin and repressed genes within euchromatin. Not surprisingly, dysregulation of histone methylation contributes to human diseases such as leukemias. Here we examined the methylation of histone molecules during gene activation and repression triggered by the hematopoietic transcription factor GATA-1. Surprisingly, we found that during activation by GATA-1 in erythroid cells, the levels of H3K9 di- and tri-methylation increase dramatically at all examined GATA-1-stimulated genes, including alpha- and beta-globin, AHSP, Band 3 and Glycophorin A. In contrast, at all GATA-1-repressed genes examined (GATA-2, c-kit, and c-myc) these marks are rapidly lost. Peaks of H3K9 methylation were observed in the transcribed portion of genes with lower signals at the promoter regions. Heterochromatin Protein 1γ (HP1γ), a protein containing a chromo-domain that recognizes H3K9 methylation, is also present in the transcribed region of all active genes examined. We extended these analyses to include numerous genes in diverse cell types (primary erythroid cells, primary T-lymphoid cells, epithelial cells and fibroblast) and consistently found a tight correlation between H3K9 methylation and gene activity, highlighting the general nature of our findings. Both the presence of HP1γ and H3K9 methylation at active genes are dependent upon transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II. Finally, HP1γ is in a physical complex with the elongating form of RNA polymerase II. Together, our results show that H3K9 methylation and HP1γ not only function in repressive chromatin, but play a novel and unexpected role during transcription activation. These results further elucidate new combinations of histone modifications that distinguish between repressed and actively transcribing chromatin.

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