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Mathias J Rummel, MD, PhD
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Journal Articles
Frederick Lansigan, MD, David Jacob Andorsky, MD, Morton Coleman, MD FACP, Abdulraheem Yacoub, MD, Jason M. Melear, MD, Suzanne R. Fanning, DO, Kathryn S. Kolibaba, MD, Christopher M. Reynolds, MD, Grzegorz S. Nowakowski, MD, Mecide Gharibo, MD, Erin Ahn, MS, Ju Li, PhD, Mathias J. Rummel, MD PhD, Jeff P Sharman, MD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 30–31.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Morton Coleman, MD FACP, David Jacob Andorsky, MD, Abdulraheem Yacoub, MD, Jason M. Melear, MD, Suzanne R. Fanning, DO, Kathryn S. Kolibaba, MD, Frederick Lansigan, MD, Christopher M. Reynolds, MD, Grzegorz S. Nowakowski, MD, Mecide Gharibo, MD, Erin Ahn, MS, Ju Li, PhD, Mathias J. Rummel, MD PhD, Jeff P Sharman, MD
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 24–25.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Axel Matzdorff, MDPhD, Mascha Binder, MD, Falk Nimmerjahn, PhD, Oliver Meyer, MD PhD, Mathias J. Rummel, MD PhD, Tamara Tesanovic, PhD, Tanja Sauer
Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 36–37.
Published: 2020
Journal Articles
Caglar Caglayan, MS,PhD, Jesse Dixon, Statistician, MS, Anna Wall, Statistician, Gilles A. Salles, MD PhD, Eva Hoster, PhD, Wolfgang Hiddemann, MD PhD, Michael Herold, MD, Franck Morschhauser, MD PhD, Catherine Sebban, MD, Anton Hagenbeek, MD PhD, Robert Marcus, MD, Howard Hochster, MD, Mathias J Rummel, MD PhD, Eva Kimby, MD PhD, Umberto Vitolo, Bruce A. Peterson, MD, Emmanuel Gyan, MD PhD, Marco Ladetto, MD, Charles Yves Foussard, MD, Michele Ghielmini, MD, Tina G Nielsen, MD PhD, Kenneth Foon, MD, Qian Shi, PhD, Christopher R. Flowers, MD MS
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 2812.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Mathias J Rummel, MD PhD, Christian Lerchenmüller, MD, Manfred Hensel, MD, Martin Goerner, MD, Christian Buske, MD PhD, Holger Schulz, Burkhard Schmidt, MD, Georgi Kojouharoff, MD, Elisabeth Lange, MD, Wolfgang Willenbacher, MD PhD, Jan Dürig, Erik Engel, Frank Kauff, Jürgen Barth, Alexander Christoph Burchardt, MD, Axel Hinke, PhD, Jasmin Wupperfeld, Richard Greil, MD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 343.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Guido Kobbe, Sabrina Pechtel, Fabian Zohren, MD PhD, Jürgen Barth, Alexander Christoph Burchardt, MD, Christian Buske, MD, Ariane Dienst, MD, Ulrich Germing, MD, Richard Greil, MD, Bernd Hertenstein, MD, Frank Kauff, Michael Koenigsmann, MD, Christian Lerchenmüller, MD, Thomas Michael Schroeder, MD PhD, Rainer Haas, MD, Mathias J Rummel, MD PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 4149.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Mathias J Rummel, MD PhD, Ann Janssens, David MacDonald, MD FRCPC, Mary-Margaret Keating, MD, Jan Zaucha, MD, Jaclyn Davis, MD, Janet Lasher, Nathalie Lobe, Miguel Izquierdo, Jonathan W. Friedberg, MD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 450.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Amelie Boquoi, MD, Aristoteles Giagounidis, Hartmut Goldschmidt, MD, Michael Heinsch, MD, Mathias J Rummel, MD PhD, Nicolaus Kroeger, David Lopez y Niedenhoff, MD, C. Matthias Wilk, MD, Ingrida Savickaite, MD, Elias K Mai, MD, Carlo Aul, MD, Judith Strapatsas, MD, Ariane Dienst, MD, Mustafa Kondakci, MD, Rainer Haas, MD, Guido Kobbe, Roland Fenk, MD PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 2003.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Richard Vollenberg, MD, Rabie Jouni, Peter A. A. Norris, BSc, Monika Burg-Roderfeld, PhD, Nina Cooper, MD, Mathias J Rummel, MD PhD, Gregor Bein, MD PhD, Irene Marini, Alan H Lazarus, PhD, Tamam Bakchoul, MD PhD, Ulrich J Sachs, MD PhD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 1141.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Richard F. Schlenk, MD, Konstanze Döhner, MD, Jürgen Krauter, MD, Verena I. Gaidzik, MD, Peter Paschka, MD, Michael Heuser, MD, Thomas Kindler, MD, Michael Lübbert, MD, PhD, Hans Martin, MD, Helmut R. Salih, MD, Andrea Kuendgen, MD, Heinz A. Horst, MD, Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal, MD, Katharina Götze, David Nachbaur, MD, Mohammed Wattad, MD, Claus-Henning Köhne, MD, Walter Fiedler, MD, Martin Bentz, MD, Gerald Wulf, Gerhard Held, Bernd Hertenstein, MD, Hans-Günther Mergenthaler, MD, Hans Salwender, MD, Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, Aruna Raghavachar, MD, Axel Benner, Dipl.Stat, Brigitte Schlegelberger, MD, Arnold Ganser, MD, Hartmut Döhner, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 80.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Terry Gernsheimer, MD, David J. Kuter, MD, DPhil, Douglas B. Cines, MD, Roberto Stasi, Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, Bertrand Godeau, MD, Matthew Guo, PhD, Janet Franklin, MD, MPH
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 3701.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Ralph Boccia, MD, David J. Kuter, MD, DPhil, Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, B. Gail Macik, MD, Ingrid Pabinger, MD, Dominik Selleslag, MD, Francesco Rodeghiero, MD, Beng Chong, MBBS, PhD, Xuena Wang, PhD, Richard Lizambri, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 3702.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Mathias J Rummel, MD, PhD, Ulrich Kaiser, MD, Christina Balser, Martina Beate Stauch, Wolfram Brugger, MD, PhD, Manfred Welslau, Norbert Niederle, Christoph Losem, Harald Ballo, Eckhart Weidmann, Ulrich von Gruenhagen, Lothar Mueller, Michael Sandherr, MD, Julia Vereschagina, Axel Hinke, Juergen Barth
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 856.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Sabine Kayser, MD, Konstanze Döhner, MD, Jürgen Krauter, MD, Jochen Casper, MD, Heinz A. Horst, MD, PhD, Gerhard Held, MD, Sibylla Wilhelm, MD, Guido Kobbe, MD, Michael Lübbert, MD, Helmut R. Salih, MD, Katharina Götze, MD, Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, Walter Fiedler, MD, Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal, MD, David Nachbaur, MD, Mohammed Wattad, MD, Daniela Späth, Patricia Erdmann, Arnold Ganser, MD, Hartmut Döhner, MD, Richard F. Schlenk, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 909.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Abdul Najaoui, Tamam Bakchoul, MD, Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, Gregor Bein, MD, PhD, Sentot Santoso, PhD, Ulrich J. Sachs, MD, PhD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 1430.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Michela Tassara, Konstanze Döhner, Christine Schöpflin, Anke Schmid, Heinz A. Horst, MD, PhD, Gerhard Held, MD, Marie Lilienfeld-Toal, Sibylla Wilhelm, MD, Andrea Kündgen, Katharina Götze, Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, David Nachbaur, MD, Walter Fiedler, MD, Michael Lübbert, MD, Helmut R. Salih, MD, Jörg Westermann, Arnold Ganser, MD, Hartmut Döhner, MD, Richard F. Schlenk, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 1693.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Mathias J. Rummel, MD, PhD, David J. Kuter, MD, DPhil, Romeo Mandanas, MD, Aristoteles Giagounidis, MD, Xuena Wang, PhD, Susan D. Mathias, MPH, Robert Deuson, PhD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 569.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Mathias J Rummel, MD, PhD, Aline Tenzer, Norbert Niederle, MD, PhD, Chrisoph Losem, MD, PhD, Christina Balser, MD, PhD, Harald-E. Balló, MD, PhD, Manfred Welslau, MD, PhD, Ulrich von Grünhagen, MD, PhD, Wolfram Brugger, MD, PhD, Georg Maschmeyer, MD, PhD, Axel C. Matzdorff, MD, PhD, Arnold Ganser, MD, PhD, Eckhart Weidmann, MD, PhD, Gerhard Heil, MD, PhD, Axel Hinke, Jürgen Barth
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 3090.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Fabian Zohren, Ingmar Bruns, MD, PhD, Juergen Barth, Sabrina Pechtel, Roland Fenk, Thomas Schroeder, Akos G. Czibere, MD, Georg Maschmeyer, Dorothea Kofahl-Krause, Gerhard Heil, Norbert Niederle, Christoph Losem, Manfred Welslau, Ulrich Germing, Ralf Kronenwett, Rainer Haas, Mathias J Rummel, MD, PhD, Guido Kobbe, MD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 441.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
David J Kuter, MD, DPhil, Mathias J Rummel, MD, PhD, Ralph Vincent Boccia, MD, B. Gail Macik, MD, Ingrid Pabinger, Dominik L.D. Selleslag, MD, Francesco Rodeghiero, Beng H Chong, MBBS, PhD, H. Müller-Beiβenhirtz, Lara Gehl, Xuena Wang, Dietmar Berger, MD, PhD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 679.
Published: 2009
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