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Craig Underhill
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Journal Articles
Hang Quach, MD, Simon Harrison, MD, Liam J. Fernyhough, MB, BS, BMedSci, Ross Alistair Henderson, PhD FRACP, FRCPA, Gillian Corbett, MDFRACP FRCPA, Peter Browett, MBChB, FRACP, FRCPA, Hilary Anne Blacklock, FRACP, Craig Underhill, MD, Paul Cannell, MD, Judith Trotman, MBChB, Emma Link, Linda Cowan, Jack S Li, Meletios A. Dimopoulos, H. Miles Prince, MD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 4236.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Andrew Spencer, Simon Harrison, MD, Francis Burrows, Paul Mainwaring, MD, Timothy Price, MD, Michael J Millward, MD, Peeter Padrik, MD, Craig Underhill, MD, Paul Cannell, MD, Steven D Reich, MD, Mohit Trikha, PhD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 5375.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Paul G. Richardson, MD, Andrew Spencer, MD, Paul Cannell, MBBS, FRCPA, FRACP, Simon J. Harrison, MBBS MRCP (uk) MRCPath (uk) PhD, Laurence Catley, MBBS, FRCPA, FRACP, Craig Underhill, MBBS, FRACP, Todd M. Zimmerman, MD, Craig C. Hofmeister, MD, Andrzej J Jakubowiak, MD, PhD, Jacob P. Laubach, MD, Michael A. Palladino, PhD, Angie M. Longenecker, RN, BSN, Ana Lay, Sandra Wear, RN, G. Kenneth Lloyd, PhD, Alison L. Hannah, MD, Steve Reich, MD, Matthew A. Spear, MD, Kenneth C. Anderson, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 302.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Michael P Osborn, Susan Branford, PhD, Deborah L White, PhD, John F Seymour, PhD, Ruth Columbus, Kerry Taylor, Christopher Arthur, Anthony Schwarer, Julian Cooney, MD, Michael F Leahy, Philip Rowlings, John Catalano, MD, Mark S Hertzberg, MD, PhD, Robin Filshie, PhD, Anthony K Mills, Keith Fay, Simon Durrant, Henry Januszewicz, David Joske, MD, Craig Underhill, Scott Dunkley, PhD, Andrew Grigg, Timothy P Hughes, MD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 1125.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Melita K Kenealy, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, John F Seymour, MBBS, PhD, FRACP, Cowan Linda, Alvin Milner, Pratyush Giri, Shir-Jing Ho, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, Warwick Benson, Andrew Nicol, MBBS, FRCPA, FRACP, PhD, Philip Campbell, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, Ian Prosser, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD, Craig Underhill, MBBS, FRACP, Ilona Cunningham, Anthony K. Mills, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, Jeffrey Szer, MBBS, FRACP, Peter Presgrave, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD, Robin Filshie, MBChB, FRACP, FRCPA, PhD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 1749.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Timothy P. Hughes, Susan Branford, Deborah L. White, John Reynolds, Rachel Koelmeyer, John F. Seymour, Kerry Taylor, Chris Arthur, Anthony Schwarer, James Morton, Julian Cooney, Michael F. Leahy, Philip Rowlings, John Catalano, Mark Hertzberg, Robin Filshie, Anthony K. Mills, Keith Fay, Simon Durrant, Henry Januszewicz, David Joske, Craig Underhill, Scott Dunkley, Kevin Lynch, Andrew Grigg
Blood (2008) 112 (10): 3965–3973.
Published: 2008
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Noemi Horvath, MB, ChB, FRACP, FRCPA, Douglas E. Joshua, D. Phil FRACP, John Gibson, MD, Andrew W. Roberts, MBBS, PhD, John Norman, MBBS, FRACP, Craig Underhill, MBBS, FRACP, David M. Ross, MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, Sonya Stephens, Trevor Rawling, Luen B. To, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 5162.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Andrew Spencer, DM, Andrew Grigg, MBBS, John Catalano, MBBS, Michael Leahy, MBBS, Craig Underhill, MBBS, Chris Arthur, MBBS, James DRozario, MBBS, Ray Lowenthal, DM, Kerry Taylor, MBBS
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 3336.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Andrew Spencer, DM, John Catalano, FRACP, Andrew Grigg, FRACP, Michael Leahy, FRACP, Craig Underhill, FRACP, Vinod Ganju, FRACP, Christopher Arthur, FRACP
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 4597.
Published: 2004
Journal Articles
Constantine S. Tam, MBBS, John Francis Seymour, MBBS, Michael Brown, RN, Philip Campbell, MBBS, John D. Scarlett, MBBS, Craig Underhill, MBBS, David Ritchie, MBBS, Rodney Bond, MBBS, Andrew Grigg, MBBS
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 3313.
Published: 2004
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Linda Mileshkin, James J. Biagi, Paul Mitchell, Craig Underhill, Andrew Grigg, Richard Bell, Joe McKendrick, Peter Briggs, John F. Seymour, Kate Lillie, Jennifer G. Smith, Jerome B. Zeldis, H. Miles Prince
Blood (2003) 102 (1): 69–77.
Published: 2003
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