Page 2236: In the paragraph that begins “At baseline,” the sentence “Of those evaluable (ie, with ≥52 weeks of emicizumab prophylaxis up to any uptitration), 202 of 226 (89.4%) participants did not have any spontaneous or traumatic bleeding into a target joint while receiving emicizumab (Table 3)” should read “Of those evaluable (ie, with ≥52 weeks of emicizumab prophylaxis up to any uptitration), 202 of 226 (89.4%) participants had ≤2 spontaneous or traumatic target joint bleeds while receiving emicizumab (Table 3).”

Page 2238: In the leftmost column of Table 3, the entry in the third row, “Proportion of evaluable participants with no spontaneous or traumatic bleeds in target joints,” should read “Proportion of evaluable participants with ≤2 spontaneous or traumatic bleeds in a target joint,” and the entry in the fourth row, “Target joints with 0 spontaneous or traumatic bleeds among target joints from evaluable participants,” should read “Target joints with ≤2 spontaneous or traumatic bleeds among target joints from evaluable participants.”

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