
Chronic inflammation is a key feature of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN), inflammation drives symptom burden and disease progression. We have found that monocytes from MPN patients persistently produce Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF) following Toll-like receptor stimulation due to dampened Interleukin 10 (IL-10) receptor signaling which usually serves to negatively regulate TNF production (Lai et al, 2019). Chronic inflammation leads to hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) exhaustion, and IL-10 plays an important role in HSC self-renewal (Kang et al, 2007).

JAK2V617Fknock-in HSC do not have a selective advantage over wild-type cells in competitive repopulation assays, this suggests that JAK2V617FHSC gain a selective advantage only under specific circumstances. Here, we investigate whether blockade of IL-10 signaling allows JAK2V617F HSC to gain a selective advantage over wild-type cells. We hypothesize that blocking IL-10 signaling impairs wild-type but not JAK2V617Fmutant HSC and thereby allowing JAK2 V617Fmutant cells to expand.


We used competitive transplantation to assess the impact of blocking IL-10 signaling on the selective advantage of JAK2V617Fversus wild-type HSC. We transplanted equal numbers of whole bone marrow cells from wild-type (CD45.1) and JAK2 V617F(CD45.2) mice into lethally irritated recipients (CD45.1/2). At day 60 post transplantation we injected mice intraperitoneally with 0.1mg IL-10R blocking antibody (n=5) or PBS (n=4) weekly. The relative contribution of JAK2V617Fcells to donor derived peripheral blood leukocytes (n=4) decreased over time (Figure 1A) in the PBS group. In contrast, the relative contribution of JAK2V617Fcells increased after 120 days in the IL-10R blocking antibody group (Figure 1A).

Mice were sacrificed at 186 days post-transplant to assess spleen size and quantify hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Mice treated with IL-10R blocking antibody had larger spleens than the PBS group (Figure 1B). The LKS (linnegc-kit+Sca-1+), which contains hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, was expanded in the mice treated with IL-10R blocking antibody (Figure 1C). The relative contribution of JAK2V617Fcells in the LKS compartment (Figure 1D) as well as whole bone marrow (Figure 1E) was higher in the IL-10R blocking antibody group as compared to the untreated group. Bone marrow from these mice were used for secondary transplants to functionally assess HSC fitness, results are forthcoming.


In vivo blockade of IL-10R signaling increases the competitive ability of JAK2V617Fmutant cells. Spleen size is also augmented with IL-10R blockade, likely a reflection of an increase JAK2V617Fmutant cell burden. This suggests that defects in IL-10 signaling may be contributing to expansion of the mutant cells.


Fleischman:incyte: Speakers Bureau.

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