Abstract 2817
Myeproliferative neoplams (MPNs) constitute a group of hematopoietic malignancies that feature enhanced proliferation and/or survival of one or more myeloid lineage cells, including Essential Thrombocythemia (ET). MPN development is rare in children with an estimated annual incidence of ET of 0.09/106 children. The WHO defines ET as persistent platelet count >600 k/mcL in the absence of known cause of reactive/secondary thrombocytosis. The JAK2 V617F mutation is most commonly reported in both children and adults with ET although the reported frequency varies in pediatric populations from 0 to 36% of patients. Mutations in the thrombopoietin receptor (TPO receptor or MPL) intracellular domain, specifically W515K/L, have also been reported in both adult and pediatric ET patients. Here we report a novel mutation in the MPL extracellular domain, Y252H, causing mild thrombocytosis. The patient presented at 2 years of age with a platelet count of 765 k/mcL. During the 3-year follow-up period, she possessed platelet counts between 600–700k/mcL, without any obvious indication of reactive/secondary thrombocytosis. Because of the persistently increased platelet count, her bone marrow was evaluated and it demonstrated increased numbers of megakaryocytes with focal clustering. JAK2 mutation analysis was negative and cytogenetics did not show any clonal abnormalities. Sequencing of the MPL gene showed a missense variant at c.754 T>C resulting in a tyr252his amino acid substitution. To investigate if this Y252H mutation in MPL dysregulates TPO/MPL- mediated cell growth, we introduced it into cytokine-dependent BaF3 cells. Cells stably expressing the mutant MPL allele showed increased proliferation to TPO, in particular at low concentration, in comparison to cells expressing wildtype (WT) MPL. Upon cytokine withdrawal, BaF3 cells expressing the MPL Y252H mutant survived better than that of WT MPL. Primary bone marrow cells from this patient along with the healthy control were subjected to colony forming unit -megakaryocyte (CFU-meg) assays in response to a serial dose of TPO. The Y252H MPL bone marrow showed significantly increased megakaryocyte colonies at low dose of TPO when compared to control bone marrow (17.5 ± 2.5 colonies versus 4.75 ± 1.1 colonies at 15 ng/mL TPO, p<0.001). These results are consistent with the clinically mild thrombocytosis. In summary, our results suggest a novel MPL mutation, Y252H, results in pediatric ET. Further evaluation of the mechanisms of increased TPO sensitivity imparted by this mutation should contribute to our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of ET.
Lambert:Cangene: Honoraria.
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