T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is mostly characterized by specific chromosomal abnormalities, some occurring in a mutually exclusive manner possibly delineating specific T-ALL subgroups. One subgroup, including MLL-rearranged, CALM-AF10 or inv(7)(p15q34) cases, is characterized by elevated expression of HOXA genes. Using a gene expression based clustering analysis of 67 T-ALL cases with recurrent molecular genetic abnormalities and 25 samples lacking apparent aberrations, we identified 5 new cases with elevated HOXA levels. Using array-CGH, a cryptic and recurrent deletion, del(9)(q34.11q34.13), was exclusively identified in 3 of these 5 cases. This deletion results in a conserved SET-NUP214 fusion product, that was also identified in the T-ALL cell line LOUCY. SET-NUP214 binds in the promoter regions of specific HOXA genes, where it interacts with CMR1 and DOT1L leading to the transcriptional activation of HOXA genes. Targeted inhibition of SET-NUP214 by siRNA abolished expression of HOXA genes, inhibited proliferation and induced differentiation in LOUCY but not in other T-ALL lines. We conclude that SET-NUP214 contributes to the pathogenesis of T-ALL by enforcing T-cell differentiation arrest.

Author notes

Disclosure:Research Funding: P.V.V. is financed by the Sophia Foundation for Medical Research (SSWO-440). This study was further supported by the Ter Meulen Fund, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Foundation “De Drie Lichten”. MvG was financially supported by the Quality of Life and KOCR foundations. CL was supported in part by a National Cancer Institute grant (CA11560) and a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Translational Grant (6161-05), and JT was supported by a German Research Foundation Fellowship Award (Tc-57/1-1).

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