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Winfred C. Wang, MD
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Journal Articles
Iron Overload Is Highly Prevalent in All Disease Severity States in Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKD)
Eduard J van Beers, MD PhD, Wilma Barcellini, Stefan W. Eber, MD, Janet L Kwiatkowski, MD, Jennifer A Rothman, MD, Ellis J Neufeld, MD PhD, Mukta Sharma, MD MPH, D Holmes Morton, MD, Bertil Glader, MD PhD, Nina Kollmar, MD, Hassan M. Yaish, Jenny M. Despotovic, DO, MS, Christine M. Knoll, MD, Yves D. Pastore, MD, Kevin Kuo, BSc, MD, Peter E. Newburger, MD, Marcin W Wlodarski, MD, Alexis A. Thompson, MD MPH, Yaddanapudi Ravindranath, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Heng Wang, MD, Joachim B. Kunz, MD, Vicky R. Breakey, BSc, MD MD FRCPC, Melissa J. Rose, DO, Melissa Rhodes, MD, Heather A Bradeen, MD, Sujit Sheth, MD, Dongjing Guo, MS, Wendy B. London, PhD, Rachael F. Grace, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 2430.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Christina Abrams, MD, Joseph Moen, MS, Guolian Kang, PhD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Jane Hankins, MD MS, Jeremie H. Estepp, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 125.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Kerri Nottage, MD MPH, Russell E. Ware, MD PhD, Matthew P. Smeltzer, MStat, PhD, Jola Dowdy, MS, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Kathleen J. Helton, MD, Banu Aygun, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 89.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Winfred C. Wang, MD, Molly Beth Freeman, MS, Yvonne M. Carroll, JD, RN, Latacha Hamilton, EdS, Matthew P. Smeltzer, MStat, PhD, Guolian Kang, PhD, Jane S. Hankins, MD MS, Banu Aygun, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 4926.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Hesham Eissa, MD, Brandon M. Triplett, MD, Mari H Dallas, MD, Ashok Srinivasan, MD, Christine Hartford, MD, Ulrike M. Reiss, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Wing Leung, MD PhD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 1210.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Howard M. Lederman, MD, PhD, Margaret A. Connolly, PhD, Ram Kalpatthi, MD, Russell E. Ware, MD, PhD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Lori Luchtman-Jones, MD, Myron Waclawiw, PhD, Jonathan C. Goldsmith, MD, James F. Casella, MD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 243.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Bruce W Thompson, PhD, Winfred C Wang, MD, Scott T. Miller, MD, Zora R. Rogers, MD, Russell E. Ware, MD, PhD, Courtney D. Thornburg, MD, MS, Sohail R. Rana, MD, Lori Luchtman-Jones, MD, Rathi V. Iyer, MD, James F. Casella, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 2134.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Winfred C. Wang, MD, Suzette O. Oyeku, MD, MPH, Zhaoyu Luo, PhD, Sheree L. Boulet, Dr.P.H., M.P.H., Scott T. Miller, MD, Billie Fish, CCRP, Bruce W Thompson, PhD, Scott Grosse, PhD.
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 171.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Zora R. Rogers, MD, Billie Fish, CCRP, Zhaoyu Luo, PhD, Rathi V. Iyer, MD, Courtney D. Thornburg, MD, MS, Sharada A. Sarnaik, MD, Sohail R. Rana, MD, Lori Luchtman-Jones, MD, Sherron M. Jackson, MD, Thomas H. Howard, MD, James F. Casella, MD, R. Clark Brown, MD, PhD, Ofelia A. Alvarez, MD, Jonathan C. Goldsmith, MD, Scott T. Miller, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 7.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
The Impact of Hydroxyurea Therapy on the Prevalence of Retinopathy in a Pediatric Sickle Cell Cohort
Jeremie H. Estepp, MD, Mary Ellen Hoehn, MD, Matthew Smeltzer, MS, Jane S Hankins, MD, MS, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Banu Aygun, MD
Blood (2011) 118 (21): 1057.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Jeffrey D. Lebensburger, DO, Scott T Miller, MD, Thomas H. Howard, MD, James F. Casella, MD, R. Clark Brown, MD, PhD, Ming Lu, MS, Rathi V. Iyer, MD, Zora R. Rogers, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 1631.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Charles T. Quinn, MD, MS, Marie J. Stuart, MD, Karen Kesler, PhD, Kenneth I. Ataga, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Lori Styles, MD, Kim Smith-Whitley, MD, Ted Wun, MD, Suba Krishnan, MD, Frans A. Kuypers, PhD, Yamaja Setty, PhD, Nigel S. Key, MB, ChB, Seungshin Rhee, MS, George R. Buchanan, MD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 1515.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Scott T. Miller, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Rathi V. Iyer, MD, Sohail R Rana, MD, Peter A. Lane, Jr., MD, Russell E. Ware, MD, PhD, Renee C Rees, PhD, The BABY HUG Investigators
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 1413.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Zora R. Rogers, MD, Renee C. Rees, PhD, Beatrice Files, MD, Rathi V. Iyer, MD, Barry L. Shulkin, MD, Eglal Shalaby-Rana, MD, John H. Miller, MD, Stephen D. Dertinger, PhD, Peter A. Lane, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Russell E. Ware, MD, PhD, The BABY HUG Investigators
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 1416.
Published: 2008
Journal Articles
Zora R. Rogers, MD, Susan Lieff, PhD, Marsha McMurray, Carlton Dampier, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Melanie Chelednik, George R. Buchanan, MD, Kenneth I. Ataga, MD, Laura M. De Castro, MD, Matthew M. Heeney, MD, Karen Kalinyak, MD, Kim Smith-Whitley, MD, Elliott Vichinsky, MD, Ronald W. Helms, PhD
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 1200.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Zora R. Rogers, MD, Bruce Thompson, PhD, Russell E. Ware, MD, PhD, Winfred C. Wang, MD, Rathi V. Iyer, MD, Scott T. Miller, MD, Caterina Minniti, MD, Sohail Rana, MD, Julio C. Barredo, MD, Stuart Toledano, MD, Sherri A. Zimmerman, MD, James F. Casella, MD, Beatrice A. Files, MD, Myron A. Waclawiw, PhD, A. Russell Gerber, MD, Duane R. Bonds, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 3184.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Jeffrey D. Hord, MD, James A. Whitlock, MD, Benjamin Carcamo, MD, Ray C. Pais, MD, Julie Blatt, MD, Patricia A. Dinndorf, MD, Winfred C. Wang, MD
Blood (2004) 104 (11): 3715.
Published: 2004
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