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Sally Kinsey
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Journal Articles
Nadia L Amin, MBChB, MSc, MA, Sally Kinsey, MD FRCP, FRCPath, Richard Feltbower, PhD MSc, BSc, Ajay J. Vora, Nicholas Goulden, MD PhD, Rachel Wade, MSc, Chris Mitchell, FRCPCH, Rachael Hough, MDBMBS,FRCP,FRCPath, Clare Rowntree, PhD, Beki James, PhD MBChB, MA
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 2083.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
David C. Dale, MD, Audrey Anna Bolyard, RN, BS, Cornelia Zeidler, MDMPH, Tracy M. Marrero, Laurence A. Boxer, MD, Peter E. Newburger, MD, Blanche P. Alter, MD MPH, PK Morrow, MD, Mary Ann Bonilla, MD, Yigal Dror, MD FRCP(C), Frank Firkin, MBBS PhDFRACP FRCPA, Sally Kinsey, MD, John E. Levine, MD MS, Daniel C. Link, MD, Lee Reeves, Philip S. Rosenberg, PhD, Akiko Shimamura, MD PhD, Karl Welte, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 2730.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Jack Bartram, Rachel Clack, Rachel Wade, Ajay J Vora, Jeremy Hancock, Chris Mitchell, Sally Kinsey, Colin Steward, John P Moppett, MD, PhD, Nicholas Goulden
Blood (2013) 122 (21): 2635.
Published: 2013
Journal Articles
Claire Schwab, BSc, Lucy Chilton, Amir Enshaie, PhD, Heather Morrison, BSc, Lisa Jones, BSc, Halima A Al-Shehhi, MD, Amy Erhorn, PhD, Lisa J Russell, Ajay J Vora, FRCPath, Christopher D Mitchell, FRCPCH, Sue M Richards, PhD, Nicholas Goulden, FRCPath, Sally Kinsey, FRCPath, Anthony V. Moorman, PhD, Christine J Harrison, PhD, FRCPath
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 290.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Delineation of Risk Factors in Paediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia with Favourable Cytogenetics
Anthony V. Moorman, PhD, Amir Enshaie, PhD, Lucy Chilton, Claire Schwab, BSc, Thelma Tembo, Sue Richards, PhD, Sally Kinsey, FRCPath, Ajay J Vora, FRCPath, Chris Mitchell, MD, PhD, Christine J Harrison, PhD, FRCPath
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 292.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Ajay Vora, Rachel Ward, Jeanette Payne, Chris Mitchell, Tim Eden, Sally Kinsey, John Lilleyman, Sue Richards
Blood (2006) 108 (11): 1869.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Philip S. Rosenberg, Blanche P. Alter, Audrey A. Bolyard, Mary Ann Bonilla, Laurence A. Boxer, Bonnie Cham, Carol Fier, Melvin Freedman, George Kannourakis, Sally Kinsey, Beate Schwinzer, Connie Zeidler, Karl Welte, David C. Dale, for the Severe Chronic Neutropenia International Registry
Blood (2006) 107 (12): 4628–4635.
Published: 2006
Journal Articles
Cornelia Zeidler, MD, Beate Schwinzer, PhD, Audrey A. Bolyard, RN, Gusal Pracht, Blanche P. Alter, MD, Mary A. Bonilla, MD, Bonnie Cham, MD, Carol Fier, RN, Melvin H. Freedman, MD, George Kannourakis, MD, Sally Kinsey, MD, Lawrence Boxer, MD, David C. Dale, MD, Karl Welte, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 95.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
Philip S. Rosenberg, PhD, Blanche P. Alter, MD, MPH, Audrey A. Bolyard, RN, Mary A. Bonilla, MD, Laurence A. Boxer, MD, Bonnie Cham, MD, Carol Fier, RN, Melvin Freedman, MD, George Kannourakis, MD, Sally Kinsey, MD, Beate Schwinzer, PhD, Connie Zeidler, MD, Karl Welte, MD, David C. Dale, MD
Blood (2005) 106 (11): 669.
Published: 2005
Journal Articles
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