In the article by Shah et al, entitled “Development of a Model for Evaluating the Interaction Between Human Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemic Cells in the Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Microenvironment,” which appeared in the November 15, 1998 issue (Vol 92, No 10, pp 3817-3828) a correction should be noted regarding the primers used to amplify p16ink4a locus genes. Figure 10 showed a PCR analysis of the p16ink4a locus, but the primer pair used to amplify p16 exon 1α was actually a sequence within the p19 (now designated p14ARF) exon 1β. Thus, the figure inadvertently shows the PCR results of p19 exon 1β twice. We have subsequently designed correct primers for amplifying p16 exon 1α. The sequence and location of these primers and probes are as follows:

5′ primer: (position 215) 5′-GCC-CAA-CGC-ACC-GAA-TAG-T-3′

3′ primer: (position 280) 5′-GCT-CCC-GCT-GCA-GAC-CCT-CTA-3′

probe: (position 239) 5′-TCA-GAG-GCC-GAT-CCA-GGT-G-3′

When this experiment was repeated with the correct primers, p16 exon 1α was shown to be deleted on both alleles of BLIN-2. Therefore, the conclusions of the paper are not changed.

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