In supplemental Data files 1 through 4, an error occurred during conversion of the files to Microsoft Excel format. Consequently, some of the numbers in the columns headed “Cells (number),” “Ch1+ Ch2+,” “Ch1+ Ch2−,” “Ch1− Ch2+,” and “Ch1− Ch2−” are rendered incorrectly with a decimal point; of those, some are also missing 1 or more significant zeros. The numbers affected by the error should have a comma to separate units of thousands. For example, in supplemental Data file 1, the second entry in the Ch1− Ch2+ column, 2.86, should be 2,860. The corrected supplemental Data files 1 through 4 are available in the HTML version of this erratum. The errors in the original supplemental Data files do not affect the data presented in the main and supplemental figures and tables.

Supplemental data

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