Page 1149: In the lower image in Figure 2C, the label “Gapdh” should be “Tubulin.” In the lower image in Figure 2D, an actin blot was mistakenly used instead of a tubulin blot. In the lower blot in both panels, the size marker "37" should be "50." The corrected Figure 2C and D are shown below.
Page 1152: In the lower image in Figure 5G, the label “Tubulin” should be “Actin.” The corrected Figure 5G is shown below.
Supplemental Data: On page 10, in supplemental Figure 2E, the 50-kDa ladder next to the tubulin blot is mistakenly labeled as a 37-kDa ladder. In the lower blot of supplemental Figure 2F, the label “TUBULIN” should be “GAPDH.” In line 4 on page 15, in the legend to supplemental Figure 5, “Tubulin” should read “actin.” The corrected supplemental file is available in the online version of this erratum.
The errors do not affect the results or the conclusions of the study.
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