There are errors on page 2016 of this article. In the paragraph that begins “First,” in the sentence “This work demonstrated that SBDS and GTPase EFL1 participated together in evicting antiassociation factor eIF6 from the nascent large 60S ribosomal subunit, enabling its fusion with 40S, which yielded the mature 80S ribosomes responsible for translation,” the phrase “enabling its fusion with 40S” should read “enabling its interaction with 40S.”

In the paragraph that begins “Second,” the sentence “In these rare cases, SGR has been shown to substantially blunt the patients’ clinical features and even completely cure the disease7” should begin “In rare cases.”

The paragraph “More recently, somatic genetic events in EIF6 (including interstitial chromosomal deletion, reciprocal translocation, and point mutations), that either sharply lowered eIF6 production or affected its function, have been shown to represent another type of SGR in the hematopoietic cells from patients with SDS (Tan S, Kermasson L, Hilcenko C, et al, manuscript submitted 2021)9” should read “More recently, somatic genetic events in EIF6 (including interstitial chromosomal deletion, reciprocal translocation, and point mutations) that either sharply lowered eIF6 production or affected its function have been shown to represent another type of SGR in the hematopoietic cells from patients with SDS.9,10

In “References” on page 2018, there should be 10 references rather than 9. The last 2 references should be the following:

9. Kennedy AL, Myers KC, Bowman J, et al. Distinct genetic pathways define pre-malignant versus compensatory clonal hematopoiesis in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):1334.

10. Tan S, Kermasson L, Hilcenko C, et al. Somatic genetic rescue of a germline ribosome assembly defect. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):5044.

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