Page 2385: Some footnote symbols in the author list are missing or incorrect. The author list should read as follows:

Marina Burgos da Silva,1,∗ Doris M. Ponce,2,3,∗ Anqi Dai,1 Sean M. Devlin,4 Antonio L. C. Gomes,1 Gillian Moore,2 John Slingerland,1 Roni Shouval,2,3 Gabriel K. Armijo,1 Susan DeWolf,5 Teng Fei,4 Annelie Clurman,1 Emily Fontana,1,6 Luigi A. Amoretti,1,6 Roberta J. Wright,1,6 Hana Andrlova,1 Oriana Miltiadous,7 Miguel-Angel Perales,2,3 Ying Taur,6 Jonathan U. Peled,1-3,† and Marcel R. M. van den Brink1-3,†

Page 2395: Under “Footnotes,” there should be 2 footnotes acknowledging equal author contributions instead of 1. They should read as follows:

∗M.B.d.S. and D.M.P. contributed equally to this work.

J.U.P. and M.R.M.v.d.B. contributed equally to this work.

In the HTML version of the article, Doris M. Ponce’s email address is missing from the correspondence paragraph. The paragraph should read as follows:

Correspondence: Doris M. Ponce and Marcel R. M. van den Brink, Memorial Sloan Kettering, 545 East 73rd St, New York, NY 10021; email: and

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