While the discovery of BCR-ABL and the respective tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) resulted in a significant prolongation of patient survival rates, there still is no curative treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) except for allogeneic stem cell transplantation. The concept of T cell-based immunotherapy is a promising opportunity to eliminate residual leukemic cells, which might promote disease relapse after TKI discontinuation. As effective antigen-specific immunotherapy requires exact knowledge of tumor-associated epitopes that can act as rejection antigens, we have developed a mass spectrometry-based approach, which allows for the direct identification of naturally presented tumor-associated HLA ligands in hematological malignancies. In this study we used this approach to identify HLA class I and II CML-associated peptides as targets for T cell-based immunotherapy.

Analysis of HLA class I ligandomes of primary CML cells (n=16) identified 8,291 HLA ligands representing 4,337 source proteins. Comparative ligandome profiling using a benign HLA class I database, which includes various healthy tissues (n=188, 65,949 HLA ligands, 14,030 source proteins) originating from peripheral blood, bone marrow, kidney, lung, liver, colon, spleen and others, revealed 38 CML-exclusive HLA class I ligands with frequencies ≥ 25% of CML patients. Because of the important indirect and direct roles of CD4+ T cells in anti-cancer immune responses, an optimal immunotherapy approach requires the inclusion of HLA class II epitopes. Hence we also analyzed the HLA class II ligandomes of primary CML cells (n=15, 2,822 HLA ligands, 794 source proteins). Comparative ligandome analysis (benign tissue, n=114, 54,149 HLA ligands, 8,584 source proteins) identified 44 CML-associated HLA class II ligands showing CML-exclusive representation in > 25% of the analyzed CML samples.

To validate the immunogenicity of our HLA class I and II CML-associated peptides, we performed IFNγ- ELISPOT assays after 12-days of in vitro peptide stimulation. For HLA class II antigens, a panel of 4 peptides was implemented for stimulation of PBMCs obtained from CML patients and healthy volunteers (HV). The ELISPOT assay revealed peptide-specific immune recognition of 4/4 (100%) CML-exclusive peptides in CML patients. The frequencies of the detected immune responses ranged from 17% (4/23 patients) to 4% (1/23 patients) within the tested CML samples. These immune responses were mediated by functional CML patient-derived CD4+ T cells and strictly CML-directed, as no immune response against CML-associated peptides could be detected in HV (0/8).

For HLA class I antigens, ELISPOT assays were performed using a panel of 8 peptides. Immune responses were only detected for 1/8 (13%) peptides with a low frequency of 6% (1/18 patients) of tested CML patient samples. A possible explanation for the observed weak immune response to our HLA class I CML-associated peptides compared to the immune responses shown for HLA class II peptides and for HLA class I peptides in other hematological malignancies (e.g. CLL (Kowalewski et. al. PNAS 2015)) might be an inhibition of CD8+ T cell-responses, that reportedly occurs upon TKI treatment of CML patients. To prove this hypothesis in our CML patient cohort (all patients included were under TKI treatment at the time of sample collection), we compared the ELISPOT positive controls (stimulated with a set of 5 Epstein-Barr viral peptides) of all analyzed CML samples with positive controls derived from HV and CLL samples. We could show a highly significant mean spot count reduction (per 100,000 cells) in CML samples (mean 74±16 spots, n=19) compared to HV (mean 241±24 spots, n=42, p<0.001, two-tailed t-test) or CLL (mean 218±16 spots, n=125, p=0.008) samples, confirming the general debilitated CD8+ T cell-response in CML patients under TKI treatment.

To prove the immunogenicity of our HLA class I CML-associated peptides, we performed in vitro artificial antigen-presenting cell (aAPC)-based priming experiments of HV CD8+ cells. For one HLA-A*03-restricted peptide we observed tetramer-positive CD8+ populations with frequencies ranging from 0.12% to 1.41% of viable cells in 2/2 HVs so far.

Taken together, these results are a first step towards a successful validation of these newly defined HLA class I and II CML-associated antigens as prime targets for further T cell-based immunotherapy approaches in CML patients.


Kowalewski:Immatics Biotechnologies GmbH: Employment. Brümmendorf:Ariad: Consultancy, Honoraria; Bristol-Myers Squibb: Consultancy, Honoraria; Pfizer: Consultancy, Honoraria; Novartis: Consultancy, Honoraria, Research Funding; Patent on the use of imatinib and hypusination inhibitors: Patents & Royalties. Niederwieser:Amgen: Speakers Bureau; Novartis Oncology Europe: Research Funding, Speakers Bureau.

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