In the article beginning on page 829 in the 18 February 2016 issue, there are errors in some reference citations and a reference. The corrected passages are listed below.

On page 830, the second sentence of the Figure 1 legend should read, “This is based on an assumption that 11%3 will have a stroke and 39% will have SCIs prior to the 18th birthday22; see text for details.”

Also on page 830, the second sentence of the second paragraph of “SCIs are common in SCA,” should read “Approximately 25% of children with SCA will have an infarct prior to their sixth birthday21 and 39% by their 18th birthday,22 with no evidence that the number of children with new SCI plateaus through 20 years of age (Figure 421-25).”

On page 831, the second sentence of the Figure 4 legend should read, “The figure displays the cumulative prevalence of SCIs in children with SCA based on 4 cross-sectional studies21,23-25 and 1 longitudinal study.22

On page 832, the first sentence of “Extradural and subdural intracranial hemorrhage may occur without trauma” should read “One of the most underrecognized complications of SCD is extradural or subdural hematoma in the absence of significant head trauma,49,50 probably related to hypervascular areas of bone,51 bone infarction,52-54 or venous thrombosis10 (see supplemental Figure 1B).”

On page 835, the second sentence of the Figure 8 legend should read, “The figure depicts the number of children in the cohort with stroke recurrence in the no-treatment group, hydroxyurea therapy group, and regular blood transfusion therapy group with expected incidence rates of 29.1 (95% CI, 19.2-38.9), 3.8 (95% CI, 1.9-5.7), and 1.9 (95% CI, 1.0-2.9) events per 100 patient years, respectively.20

Also on page 835, the second sentence of “Blood transfusion therapy for stroke prevention is palliative in high-income countries” should read “However, even when blood transfusion therapy is initiated, 45% of the children with SCA will have infarct recurrence (both stroke and SCI) over a course of 5.5 years,66 providing evidence that alternative options must be considered for this high-risk population.”

On page 836, reference 25 cites the incorrect source. It should read, “Wang WC, Pavlakis SG, Helton KJ, et al. MRI abnormalities of the brain in one-year-old children with sickle cell anemia. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008;51(5):643-646.”

The errors have been corrected in the online version, which now differs from the print version.

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