Background: Adequate platelet reactivity is required for platelet adhesion and aggregation at the site of vascular injury to maintain hemostasis. However, excessive platelet reactivity can also lead to the formation of occlusive thrombi, the predominate underlying cause of myocardial infarction and stroke. While current anti-platelet treatments limit platelet function, they often result in an increased risk of bleeding. 12-lipoxygenase (12-LOX), an oxygenase highly expressed in the platelet, has been demonstrated by our lab and others to regulate PAR4 and GPVI-mediated platelet reactivity suggesting a role of 12-LOX in regulation of vivo thrombosis. However, the ability to pharmacologically target 12-LOX in vivo has not been established to date.
Aims: To determine how 12-LOX regulates thrombus formation in vivo and whether platelet 12-LOX is an effective target for anti-platelet therapeutics, wild-type (WT) or 12-LOX deficient (12-LOX-/-) mice were treated with or without the 12-LOX inhibitor, ML355, and were assessed for inhibitory effects on platelet activation in vitro, ex-vivo and in vivo.
Methods: The effect of the novel 12-LOX inhibitor ML355 on human platelet function was assessed in vitro by platelet aggregometry, ex vivo by perfusion chamber. In vivo thrombus formation and vessel occlusion in small and large vessels were studied in 12-LOX-/-, WT mice and mice treated with ML355 using intravital microscopy using the FeCl3 injury models.
Results: Using in vitro platelet aggregation assays, ML355 dose dependently inhibited thrombin, PAR1-AP, and PAR4-AP-induced aggregation in washed human platelets. Interestingly, the negative regulatory effects of ML355 inhibition of 12-LOX can be overcome by high concentration of thrombin. Additionally, ML355 was able to attenuate ADP-induced platelet aggregation both in platelet-rich-plasma and whole blood. In ex vivo flow chamber assays, platelet adhesion and thrombus formation on collagen-coated surfaces at high shear was attenuated in both mouse and human whole blood after incubation with ML355. Further, platelet aggregation and thrombus growth in 12-LOX-/- mice was impaired in FeCl3-induced mesenteric or carotid artery thrombosis models. Thrombi in 12-LOX-/- mice were unstable and frequently form emboli, which resulted in impaired vessel occlusion or reopening. Additionally, thrombus formation and vessel occlusion was impaired in ML355 treated WT mice.
Conclusions: The highly selective 12-LOX inhibitor ML355 inhibits platelets aggregation induced by various platelet agonists and ML355 inhibition of platelet function is not agonist specific. Platelet function at high shear in ex vivo conditions in both mice and human was attenuated in the presence of ML355. Thrombus growth, stability, and vessel occlusion was impaired in mice deficient for 12-LOX. Finally, the highly selective 12-LOX inhibitor ML355 attenuates thrombus formation and prevents vessel occlusion in vivo. Our data strongly indicates 12- LOX is an important determinant of platelet reactivity and inhibition of platelet 12-LOX may represent a new target for anti-platelet therapeutics.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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