
The protein microarrays are becoming the leading technology in proteomic research area. They enable to implement both features of proteins that can be altered in disease as quantitative proteomics (levels in biological samples) as well as functional proteomics (determination of their selective interactions with other biomolecules). Protein microarray techniques such as sandwich immunoassays, antigen capture immunoassay and direct immunoassays use labeling and antibodies. However, these labels can interfere with the analyte binding site and thus affect protein activity. Using antibodies requires a prior knowledge of the studied proteins which is in the case of a heterogeneous disease with little knowledge in its proteomic field a huge disadvantage. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a label-free and direct method allowing quantification as well as monitoring of protein-protein interactions simultaneously and in real time.

Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a heterogeneous group of hematological malignancies. It affects pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell and is manifested by variety of clinical symptoms according to predominant involvement of development lineage. The high risk of MDS to transform into acute myeloid leukemia makes it a suitable model for study of biological processes leading to leukemia development.

In this work, we use SPR imaging for simultaneous screening of blood plasma of MDS patients followed by mass spectrometry (MS) for identification of interacting partners and analysis of protein network properties. Proteins, whose levels are either elevated during MDS disease or interaction with their receptors/ligands is a part of signaling pathway, were employed.


SPR imaging system with polarization contrast and internal referencing was combined with dispersionless microfluidics for parallel screening of blood plasma samples. Proteins involved in pathogenesis of MDS and their physiological counterparts were immobilized under flow to create 6x6 sensing spots. Specifically, these include integrin αMβ2 (LFA1), intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1), integrin α4β1 (VLA4), vascular cell adhesion protein 1 (VCAM1) and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte protein 4 (CTLA4). The sensor surface functionalization was optimized with respect to its ability to provide a low-fouling sensing surface with biologically active receptors. Plasma samples of controls and MDS patients were flowed along the functionalized surface and differences in individual interactions were evaluated. Selected interacting partners were further identified using 2D-HPLC/ESI-MS/MS. Identified proteins were analyzed by String Networks and Power Graph Analysis.

Results and Conclusion

Significant differences in the protein profiles among different MDS groups of patients as well as relative to control healthy donors were observed using SPR imaging; tens of interacting proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. Protein interaction networks were explored through clustering of proteins into groups that share the same biological function, are similarly localized in the cell, or are known to be a part of a complex. Identified proteins are involved in several processes; regulation of immune system, ubiquitinylation and protein degradation, cell signaling, hemostasis, protein synthesis, cell adhesion, metastasis, and inhibition of blood coagulation. Using of Power Graphs, a novel representation of (protein) networks, provided valuable insight into the existence of protein complexes, their internal organization, and their relationships. Interaction networks also indicated possible pathways involved in MDS pathogenesis (especially Src tyrosine kinases). The results showed that SPR biosensors are a promising tool for the diagnosis and follow-up efficiency treatment in complex heterogeneous malignancies.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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