Background: Relapse after ATRA-based induction therapy is relatively uncommon in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Long term follow up studies have estimated a 15-25% relapse rate. Autologous and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) has been used as an effective salvage strategy. We present a single institution study of the outcomes of patients with relapsed APL that underwent HCT.

Methods: After due IRB approval, the Mayo Clinic Transplant Database was retrospectively reviewed to identify all patients across three Mayo Clinic sites with relapsed APL that underwent HCT from 1995-2013. Data was abstracted at diagnosis and at relapse. The aims of this study were to report the descriptive characteristics of patients, with a focus on HCT outcomes.


Baseline Patient Characteristics

A total of 15 patients (9 (60%) males) with relapsed APL that underwent HCT were identified. Median age was 36 years (range: 19-63) and median follow up from diagnosis was 8.8 years (range: 1.7-17). 2 (13%) deaths (1 from relapse) were recorded. 14 (93%) received ATRA and anthracycline-based induction therapy and 1 received anthracycline-based induction without ATRA. All relapsed patients achieved a complete remission (CR) after induction. Median time to relapse was 1.6 years (range: 0.6-3.9). 10 (67%) patients had a medullary relapse (hematologic-7(70%), cytogenetic -2 (20%) and molecular-1(10%)), 3 (20%) had additional extramedullary (EM) disease (CNS-2, myeloid sarcoma-1), while 2 (13%) presented with EM disease only (CNS-2). Salvage regimens included ATRA in 5 (33%) patients and arsenic trioxide (ATO) in 8 (53%) patients. 12 (80%) patients were transplanted in CR2 and 1 in CR3 (7%), while 2 (13%) had persistent disease (PD) at time of HCT.

Allogeneic HCT

4 (27%) patients with a median age of 37 years (range: 33-49) underwent allogeneic HCT. 2 (50%) patients received myeloablative (MA) conditioning and 2 received reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC). 2 patients who underwent MA HCT had PD at time of transplant, while 1 patient in CR3 received a RIC. 2 (50%) patients developed acute GVHD while 2 (50%) had extensive stage chronic GVHD. At a median follow up of 2.6 years (range: 0.3-10.9), 3 (75%) patients remain alive and disease-free. 1 patient died of infectious complications within 100 days of transplant.

Autologous Transplantation

11 (73%) patients with a median age of 40 years (range: 23-68) underwent autologous HCT with MA conditioning. 7 (64%) patients were in molecular remission at time of HCT, 3 (27%) patients transplanted before 2004 were in cytogenetic remission and information about type of remission was unavailable in 1 patient. At a median follow up of 6.8 years (range: 0.5-16) since HCT, 1 (9%) patient had a documented relapse at 175 days after HCT and died of disease-related complications. 10 (91%) are alive and in remission.


Our single-institution study reaffirms the efficacy of HCT for APL patients with medullary and EM relapse. Autologous HCT has excellent long-term results in selected patients in CR2. Allogeneic HCT was mainly reserved for patients with high risk disease (CR3) and persistent disease at time of HCT.

Table 1:

Baseline Patient Characteristics

N (%)
Number of patients 15 
Follow up (years) (median, range) 8.8 (1.7-17) 
Age at diagnosis (years) (median, range) 36 (19-53) 
Male 9 (60%) 
Female 6 (40%) 
Sanz risk score  
High 4 (29%) 
Intermediate 8 (57%) 
Low 2 (14%) 
Induction Regimen  
ATRA + anthracycline 14 (93%) 
Anthracycline-based 1 (7%) 
Response to induction therapy  
CR 15 (100%) 
Time from diagnosis to relapse (years) (median, range) 1.6 (0.6 - 3.9) 
Type of relapse  
Hematologic 7 (47%) 
Cytogenetic 2 (13%) 
Molecular 1 (7%) 
Hematologic and EM 3 (20%) 
CNS only 2 (13%) 
Salvage regimen  
ATRA-based 5 (33%) 
ATO-based 8 (53%) 
Chemotherapy only 2 (13%) 
N (%)
Number of patients 15 
Follow up (years) (median, range) 8.8 (1.7-17) 
Age at diagnosis (years) (median, range) 36 (19-53) 
Male 9 (60%) 
Female 6 (40%) 
Sanz risk score  
High 4 (29%) 
Intermediate 8 (57%) 
Low 2 (14%) 
Induction Regimen  
ATRA + anthracycline 14 (93%) 
Anthracycline-based 1 (7%) 
Response to induction therapy  
CR 15 (100%) 
Time from diagnosis to relapse (years) (median, range) 1.6 (0.6 - 3.9) 
Type of relapse  
Hematologic 7 (47%) 
Cytogenetic 2 (13%) 
Molecular 1 (7%) 
Hematologic and EM 3 (20%) 
CNS only 2 (13%) 
Salvage regimen  
ATRA-based 5 (33%) 
ATO-based 8 (53%) 
Chemotherapy only 2 (13%) 

Table 2:

Outcomes at HCT

N (%)
Age at HCT (years) (median, range) 38 (23-68) 
Disease status at HCT  
CR2 12 (80%) 
CR3 1 (7%) 
PD 2 (13%) 
Type of HCT  
Allogeneic 4 (27%) 
Autologous 11 (73%) 
Conditioning regimen  
Myeloablative 13 (87%) 
Non-myeloablative 2 (13%) 
Follow up since HCT (years) (median, range) 4.5 (0.3 - 16.3) 
Disease status at last follow up  
CR 13 (86%) 
Relapsed disease 1 (7%) 
Unable to assess 1 (7%) 
Alive at last follow up 13 (87%) 
N (%)
Age at HCT (years) (median, range) 38 (23-68) 
Disease status at HCT  
CR2 12 (80%) 
CR3 1 (7%) 
PD 2 (13%) 
Type of HCT  
Allogeneic 4 (27%) 
Autologous 11 (73%) 
Conditioning regimen  
Myeloablative 13 (87%) 
Non-myeloablative 2 (13%) 
Follow up since HCT (years) (median, range) 4.5 (0.3 - 16.3) 
Disease status at last follow up  
CR 13 (86%) 
Relapsed disease 1 (7%) 
Unable to assess 1 (7%) 
Alive at last follow up 13 (87%) 


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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