The Editors of Blood retract the 1 April 2010 article cited above. The institutional investigations by the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY, which focused on the research of Prabal Banerjee and Gerold Feuer, established that the data presented in this Blood paper were obtained using fraudulent methods and hence cannot be considered reliable. Specifically, the Investigation Committee concluded that data in Figures 1Q (inset) and 6D had been fabricated and/or falsified by using the same immunohistological image to represent different tissues. The Investigation Committee further concluded that data in Figure 2L-M have been fabricated and/or falsified by duplicating flow cytometry control plots.

Michael D. Lairmore agrees to the retraction. Lindsey Crawford does not agree to the retraction. Prabal Banerjee, Adam Tripp, Michelle Sieburg, Juan Carlos Ramos, Mark A. Beilke, and Gerold Feuer do not agree to the retraction and maintain that no misconduct was committed. William J. Harrington, Jr. is deceased.

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