Since 1964, a total of 56 patients with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria clone (PNH) were evaluated in our Hematology Unit. The PNH was evaluated with Ham’s and/or sucrose tests until 1993, when the firsts cytometric analysis of PNH were performed in our Laboratory with CD55 and CD59 markers on granulocytes mainly, and since 2011 also with the FLAER technique. According with PNH Parker´s Classification, most of the patients were Classical PNH type (28 patients), and the remaining included in the other subsets such as 21 PNH in the setting of another bone marrow failure syndrome (BMFS) and 7 PNH subclinical. Most of the patients (70%) displayed an Aplastic Anemia (AA) before or concomitantly with the diagnosis of PNH, and received immunosuppressant drugs (Steroids with/out antithymocyte globulin & Cyclosporine). In four patients an Allogeneic Hematopoietic Transplantation was performed due to a Severe Aplastic Anemia (2 patients), a Classical Severe PNH (before Eculizumab era) or a Myelodysplastic Syndrome. Another patient received a Liver Transplantation because of advanced Hepatitis C related liver failure.

In our PNH series, an unexpected high incidence of cancer has appeared, with 8 patients (14,5%) displaying different hematological or non-hematological cancers in the lasts years:

SexAge Diagnosis PNHParker’s ClassificationYear Diagnosis PNHYear Diagnosis CancerPrevious ImmunosuppressionCancerYear Death
♂ 16 Classical 1969 2011 Yes Lymphoma 2011 
AA & Liver Tx 
♀ 30 Classical 1973 2003 None Pancreatic 2006 
♂ 38 Classical 1974 1995 None Gastric 2012 
2012 Pulmonary 
♂ 26 Classical 1989 2013 Yes, Steroids Cerebral Alive 
♀ 25 Classical 1994 2005 Yes Lymphoma 2006 
AA & Cord-Blood Tx 
♂ 40 BMFS 1995 1995 Yes, Steroids Liver 1995 
♂ 75 BMFS 2011 2009 None Seminoma 2012* 
♂ 56 Subclinical 2010 1999 Yes, Steroids Prostatic Alive 
SexAge Diagnosis PNHParker’s ClassificationYear Diagnosis PNHYear Diagnosis CancerPrevious ImmunosuppressionCancerYear Death
♂ 16 Classical 1969 2011 Yes Lymphoma 2011 
AA & Liver Tx 
♀ 30 Classical 1973 2003 None Pancreatic 2006 
♂ 38 Classical 1974 1995 None Gastric 2012 
2012 Pulmonary 
♂ 26 Classical 1989 2013 Yes, Steroids Cerebral Alive 
♀ 25 Classical 1994 2005 Yes Lymphoma 2006 
AA & Cord-Blood Tx 
♂ 40 BMFS 1995 1995 Yes, Steroids Liver 1995 
♂ 75 BMFS 2011 2009 None Seminoma 2012* 
♂ 56 Subclinical 2010 1999 Yes, Steroids Prostatic Alive 

Dead because bone marrow failure.

In our PNH series, cancer reports as one of the most frequent final cause of death, with thrombosis with similar incidence (11 patients of the 56 are dead, with 5 patients dead because thrombosis), although the high incidence and severity of thrombosis episodes in this cohort of patients (20 patients experienced thrombosis with a total of 40 events).

As displayed supra, some of the cancers could be attributed to the therapy applied in particular patients: The two secondary lymphomas after organ transplantation could be explained by the immunosuppression employed in these procedures. Only three patients did not received immunosuppressant drugs before cancer diagnosis. This high mortality cancer rate precludes the indiscriminate use of steroids in PNH patients. This result, never reported before in PNH, merits an investigational survey of cancer incidence in PNH patients in the PNH International Registry.


Ojeda:Alexion Pharmaceuticals: Consultancy, Speakers Bureau.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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