Abstract 849
Core-binding-factor (CBF) acute myeloid leukemia (AML) defined by the presence of t(8;21)(q22;q22) or inv(16)(p13.1q22)/t(16;16)(p13.1;q22) is associated with favorable outcome. However, about 30–40% of patients are not cured by current treatment approaches. Secondary genetic changes are believed to cause clinical heterogeneity. To identify new secondary genetic lesions, we performed high-resolution, genome-wide analysis of copy number aberrations (CNA) and copy neutral loss of heterozygosity (CN-LOH) using Affymetrix 6.0 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays in 300 adult and pediatric CBF AMLs; t(8;21), n=157 (adult, n=114; pediatric, n=43); and inv(16), n=143 (adult, n=104; pediatric, n=39). Germline control DNA from remission bone marrow or peripheral blood was available for paired analysis in 175 patients. In addition, for 42 patients matched relapse samples were analyzed. Data were processed using reference alignment, dChipSNP and circular binary segmentation. Paired analysis revealed a median of 1.28 somatic CNAs per case [t(8;21): 1.14, range: 0–5; inv(16): 1.45, range: 0–9], with deletions more common than gains [t(8;21): 0.94 losses/case vs. 0.2 gains/case; inv(16): 0.95 vs. 0.5]. Recurrent deletions were detected at chromosomal bands 7q36.1 (n=23), 9q21.13 (n=15), 11p13 (n=7), 17q11.2 (n=6), 10q24.32 (n=2), and at the chromosomal breakpoints of t(8;21) and inv(16) on 8q21.3 (n=9), 21q22 (n=16), 16p13.11 (n=28), and 16q22.11 (n=21). Deletions at 7q, 11p and 17q were validated using FISH analysis. Minimally deleted regions (MDR) less than 1.5 Mb were identified at 7q36.1 (647 Kb, 4 genes), 9q21.13 (1125 Kb, 9 genes), 11p13 (130 Kb, 1 gene), and 17q11.2 (902 Kb, 11 genes), with each region containing a putative tumor suppressor (e.g., MLL3 on 7q, FRMD3 on 9q, WT1 on 11p, and NF1 on 17q). Sequence analysis of MLL3 in 23 cases with del(7q), 1 case with 7q CN-LOH, and 23 randomly selected cases identified a MLL3 truncating mutation leading to a premature stop codon in a case that lacked a 7q alteration. The del(11p13) contained only WT1 and primarily affected inv(16)-cases (5 of 7). Sequence analysis of WT1 in four cases with del(11p) revealed an additional frame shift mutation in the remaining allele in one case. Sequence analysis of WT1 in an additional 103 inv(16)-containing cases revealed mutations in 10 (9%) of the cases. The MDR at 17q11.2 was exclusively identified in inv(16)-containing cases (n=6) and included the tumor supressor NF1. Sequence analysis of all coding exons in NF1 in 4 additional inv(16)-containing AMLs revealed no additional mutation. Recurrent gains were identified at 22q11.21-q13.33 (n=20; 32 Mb), 8q24.21 (n=14; 138 Kb), 13q21.1-q34 (n=6; 14 Mb), and 11q25 (n=5; 368 Kb). The smallest gains were identified at 8q24.21 and 11q25, both containing only a single non-coding RNA gene (CCDC26 and LOC283177, respectively). Somatic CN-LOH were uncommon and only found at 1p36.33-p12 (n=2), 4q (n=2), and 19p (n=2). In a comparative analysis of paired diagnostic and relapse samples, novel CNAs at the time of relapse were identified at 3q13.31 (n=5), 5q (n=2), 17p (n=2), and 17q (n=2). The MDR at 3q was only 46 kb in size and contains a single transcript that has been connected to LSAMP, a putative tumor suppressor located 404 Kb upstream of the deletion. In summary, our data provide a comprehensive profiling of copy number alterations in pediatric and adult CBF AML. These data demonstrate a very low number of CNAs, with no significant differences noted between pediatric and adult cases. Interestingly, a number of novel recurrent secondary genetic alterations are identified. Exploring the biological role of these lesions in leukemogenesis and drug resistance should provide important insights into the CBF leukemias.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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