The authors of the article, “Discoidin domain receptor 1 contributes to eosinophil survival in an NF-κB–dependent manner in Churg-Strauss syndrome” by Matsuyama et al published in the January 1, 2007, issue of Blood (109:22–30) would like to retract it. It contains fraudulent, manipulated, and duplicated data and direct plagiarism of text from an article published in the American Journal of Pathology entitled “Discoidin domain receptor 1 contributes to the survival of lung fibroblast in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis” by Matsuyama et al (2006;168:866), also recently retracted. The first author, Wataru Matsuyama, takes full responsibility for all inappropriate text, figures, and data manipulation and states that none of the co-authors were involved in or aware of these events.

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