Purpura fulminans (PF) is a rare but devastating complication of sepsis characterized by a highly thrombotic subtype of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). A medical emergency, PF cases often require the involvement of consultant hematologists to assist with diagnosis and management of patients who are in a highly dynamic and deteriorating clinical situation. Patients who survive past the first 24 to 72 hours often die from complications of unchecked thrombosis rather than from shock, and survivors are usually left with severe scarring and tissue loss. Despite these challenging features, PF is a pathophysiologically distinct, homogenous, and highly predictable form of sepsis-associated DIC for which poor outcomes are not a foregone conclusion. The fundamental pathologic lesion in PF is a failure of the anticoagulant protein C pathway, which leads to uncontrolled microvascular clotting and inadequate protein C-mediated cytoprotective effects, which are vital for survival in sepsis. Herein, we review the clinical features and diagnosis of PF. Drawing from the existing clinical literature and from recent advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology of PF, we describe rationally-designed treatment approaches for this disorder, including repletion of natural circulating anticoagulants, use of therapeutic anticoagulation, and ways to optimize transfusion support, and we outline specific interventions that we would recommend avoiding.

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