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Author Guide

Journal Scope – For specific information detailing Blood Neoplasia’s scope.

Article Types – For detailed descriptions of the various article types that will be considered for publication by Blood Neoplasia.

Manuscript Preparation – For general requirements and recommendations for preparing your manuscript for submission including:

  • manuscript organization requirements
  • guidelines for image preparation
  • information on supplemental data
  • editing services for non-English speakers

Manuscript Submission – For a helpful list of what information you should have on hand before beginning the online submission process.

Manuscript Transfer – For details about transferring manuscripts within the Blood Journal Portfolio.

Peer Review – For details about Blood Neoplasia's peer review process and policies, including instructions for reviewers.

Revised Manuscripts – For general information to prepare your revised manuscript. 

Accepted Manuscripts – For information regarding the steps that occur after your manuscript has been accepted for publication.

Publication Fees – For a list of publication fees applicable for each article type, including details about our publication fee, and supplemental data fee.


Editorial Policies for Authors – For detailed descriptions of Blood Neoplasia's policies regarding:

  • authorship criteria
  • conflict of interest disclosure
  • originality
  • publication of medical research involving human subjects
  • data sharing, distribution of reagents, and compound structure disclosure
  • deposition into public databases
  • clinical trial reporting and registry
  • guidelines for stem cell research
  • public access options for authors
  • submission of NIH-funded accepted manuscripts to PubMed Central
  • press embargo policy


Errata – For a brief description of errata, how they are utilized by Blood Neoplasia, and instructions on how to submit an erratum request.

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