On page 6 of the supplemental Methods, Figures, Tables, and References, the sentence “For each possible ratio, patients were stratified into low-risk and high-risk groups using the maxstat package6 and we selected as optimal Radiometabolic signature that characterized by the most significant association with MetSig and PFS as well as retaining statistical significance in multivariate analysis” should read as follows.

For each possible ratio, patients were stratified into low-risk and high-risk groups using the maxstat package.6 The signature characterized by the most significant association with MetSig and PFS, as well as retaining statistical significance in multivariate analysis, was selected as the optimal Radiometabolic signature (RadSig), and defined as follows:

On page 8 in the legend for Figure S3, the correct reference number for the article by Derenzini et al, Haematologica 2021, is 2, not 6.

The corrected supplemental Methods, Figures, Tables, and References file is available in the HTML version of this erratum.