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John P. Miller, MD, PhD
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Journal Articles
David Stroncek, MD, Bronwen E. Shaw, MBChB, PhD MRCP, MRCPath, Brent Logan, PhD, Deidre Marie Kiefer, MPH, Pintip Chitphakdithai, PhD, Galen E. Switzer, PhD, Nirali N Shah, MD, John P. Miller, MD PhD, Dennis L. Confer, MD, Michael A Pulsipher, MD
Blood (2016) 128 (22): 2177.
Published: 2016
Journal Articles
Yi-Bin Chen, MD, Jennifer Le-Rademacher, PhD, Deidre Marie Kiefer, MPH, Mehdi Hamadani, MD, John F. DiPersio, MD PhD, Mark R Litzow, MD, Michael Craig, MD, Mitchell E. Horwitz, MD, Andrew Artz, MD MS, Brian McClune, DO, Edmund K Waller, MD PhD, Hugo F. Fernandez, MD, Hien Kim Duong, MD, Hati Kobusingye, Mandi Proue, MPH, Rebecca J. Drexler, MPH, Mary M. Horowitz, MD MS, John P. Miller, MD PhD, Steven M. Devine, MD
Blood (2015) 126 (23): 389.
Published: 2015
Journal Articles
Michael A. Pulsipher, MD, Brent R. Logan, PhD, Deidre M. Kiefer, MPH, Pintip Chitphakdithai, PhD, Galen E. Switzer, PhD, Marcie L Riches, MD MS, J. Douglas Rizzo, MD, Paolo Anderlini, MD, Susan F. Leitman, James W Varni, PhD, Amy Hays, MPH, RN, Hati Kobusingye, MS, RaeAnne M. Besser, John P. Miller, MD PhD, Rebecca J. Drexler, BS, Roberta J. King, MPH, Mary M. Horowitz, MD MS, Willis H. Navarro, MD, Dennis L. Confer, MD
Blood (2014) 124 (21): 3847.
Published: 2014
Journal Articles
Navneet S. Majhail, MD, MS, Pintip Chitphakdithai, PhD, Ying Shan, MS, Roberta King, MPH, Bernadette Anton, RN, Robyn Ashton, RN, MSN, Ruth Bakken, RN, Bette Braem, MSSW, Steven M. Devine, MD, Gregory A. Hale, MD, Robert J Hartzman, MD, Chatchada Karanes, MD, Ginna G Laport, MD, Rebecca Lewis, Esq, Eneida R. Nemecek, MD, Susan Rossmann, MD, PhD, Nawraz Shawir, MBBS, Edward L. Snyder, MD, Galen E. Switzer, PhD, Willis H. Navarro, MD, John P. Miller, MD, PhD, Dennis L Confer, MD, John E. Levine, M.D., M.S.
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 234.
Published: 2012
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