The D--phenotype of the human erythrocyte is a genetic variant of the Rh blood group system associated with the expression of D but not C, c, E, and e (designated non-D) antigens. In this report, we characterize the structure and expression of Rh polypeptide genes in two D-- homozygotes of Italian origin. Southern blot analysis detected a gross deletion in their genomic DNA that correlated with the alteration of CcEe rather than the D polypeptide gene. With detailed exon mapping, the deletion was found to be partial and internal, encompassing exons 2 through 8 of the non-D gene. Analysis of Rh cDNAs showed that no functional mRNA was produced from the truncated non-D gene, whereas the D gene gave rise to one major and two minor mature transcripts. The full-length RhD cDNA sequence contained four nucleotide changes resulting in four amino acid substitutions on the polypeptide backbone. The shortened RhD cDNAs occurred as alternatively spliced isoforms lacking sequences corresponding to exons 7 and/or 8. The identification of a partial and internal deletion in the non-D gene shows that the molecular basis for the D--phenotype is heterogenous and that its alterations have occurred on different genetic backgrounds.

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