1. A series of 45 cases of T.M.A. treated with "refined" liver extract is reported.

2. "Refined" liver extract was found to be effective in 39 cases.

3. It was found that 2 or 3 ml. of refined liver extract (Examen N.P.) was sufficient to produce an optimum response.

4. As judged from therapeutic observations, it is suggested that in the majority of cases of T.M.A. the deficiency is similar to that in Addisonian pernicious anemia, though the mode of production of the deficiency may not be the same.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT Our thanks are due to Dr. R. Row, Hon. Director, P.G. Singhance Hindu Hospital, Bombay, where all the cases were treated, for permission to publish these reports, and the firms concerned for the generous gift of liver extracts.

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