Experiments were carried out on the nature of "A"-inagglutinable cells. The effect of x-rays on the inagglutinable cell frequency was determined in pigeons by comparing the frequency before and after irradiation. Initial results in the treated birds were highly variable. Considerable reduction in the variability of response was obtained by control of dose, agglutinogen titer, breed, age and sex. Data was also obtained showing that there were individual differences in response to irradiation.

Significant increases in the frequency of the inagglutinable cells over that of the controls were obtained for both males and females at 2 and 4 months following irradiation with 360 r.

The relation of cell age to inagglutinability was tested by comparing the inagglutinable cell frequency of isolated young cells with that of the total cell population. The comparable frequencies which were observed indicate that cell age is not related to "A"-inagglutinability.

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