Background: Clinical efficacy, safety and tolerability of deferasirox (DFX); a once daily oral iron chelator in transfusion dependent thalassemias (TDT) with iron overload can be achieved by appropriate dosage adjustment based on iron burden and ongoing transfusion iron overload. However, even with recommended DFX dosage, at least 40% of our Thai TDT patients did not appropriately respond to DFX. Patients with unresponsiveness to DFX (UR) was defined as (1) having a rising serum ferritin (SF) trend or (2) having a reduction of SF < 30% of baseline levels (BL) at least 3 consecutive mths, with more than two SF measurements >1500 ng/mL; and (3) receiving once daily DFX at an average dosage > 30 mg/kg/day for at least 6 mths. Previously, twice daily dosing (TWD) of DFX was shown to be effective in patients with UR (Pongtanakul B, et al. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2013) but long term efficacy, safety and tolerability of TWD of DFX is still lacking.

Methods: Patients with UR who received TWD of DFX with the same total dose per day > 24 mths were included. CBC, renal function, urine analysis were performed every 3 wks to monitor possible side effect. SF and liver function test were checked every 6 wks. Tolerability and compliance to DFX were evaluated by direct history taking and drug account prescribed. Responsiveness to TWD of DFX (RP) was defined as the patients who showed a decrease of SF or reduction of liver iron concentration (LIC) by MRI > 30% of the BL at 6 or 12 mths.

Results: Twenty four TDT patients received TWD of DFX; 4 patients were excluded due to poor compliance and a short follow up period and 4 patients did not meet RP criteria. Sixteen patients were enrolled; 9 male (56%) with a mean (± SD) age of 9.08 ± 3.84 yrs (range 2.1-24.2 yrs). Clinical diagnoses include; Hb E/β thalassemia. (n=12), β thalassemia major (n=3) and Hb Barts hydrops (n=1). Mean follow up time before switching dose were 17.3 ± 7.3 mths. Average SF at BL before DFX and before TWD were 3,039 ± 1,713.7.02 and 3,500 ± 1,403.2 ng/mL, with median % change of SF was +27.58 % (range; -13.4 to +104%). Mean actual DFX dose during 6 mths before switching was 36.3 ± 2.2 mg/kg/day. None had symptoms of gastrointestinal irritation. After TWD, 13 (81.25%) and 16 patients (100%) showed a significant decrease of SF (> 30% of the baseline levels) at 6 and 12 months. Mean SF and median % change of SF at 6 and 12 months after switching were 2,527.56 ± 1,191.80 ng/mL; -29.24 % and 1,695.83 ± 859.16 ng/mL; -53.14%, with statistical significance compared to BL and before switching (p <0.05). Mean transfusion iron load before and after switching were not different (range 0.2-0.4 mg/kg/day). One patient had a SF reduction < 30%, but LIC was significant reduction at 12 months. Nine out of 16 patients were evaluated for LIC; average LIC at BL and at the end of study were reduced from 6.7 to 3.2 mg/g dry wt. None had cardiac T2* < 20 msec. All patients except one tolerated well with DFX at before and after switching (>24 months) with minor adverse events. One patient had severe transaminitis (ALT > 3 times of ULN) but after investigation, this was thought to be result from acute viral hepatitis. This patient could be successfully restarted DFX at the same TWD. Five patients could decrease DFX dosage to < 20 mg/kg/day and switched back to daily dosing (mean dosage was 17.04 mg/kg/day). However, 4 patients, after decreased DFX dosage and switched back to daily dosing; their SF increased and required to increase DFX dosage with TWD to maintain SF. Seven patients continued to receive TWD of DFX with mean dosage was 36.4 mg/kg/day. Mean follow up time after TWD of DFX was 44.1 + 9.8 mths (range 24 - 72 mths).

Conclusion: Herein, we show that TWD of DFX effectively reduced iron burden in TDT with iron overload. Safety and tolerability of this dosing are not different from once daily dosing. Most patients could decrease DFX dosage and switched back to once daily dosing when iron burden decreased. However, 25% (4/16) of these patients still required twice daily dosing with higher dosage to maintain optimal body iron levels. Interestingly, 16% (4/24) of our patients who received TWD could not achieve effective iron chelation. This group of patients may represent those who have different pharmacogenetic background that affect directly to efficacy of DFX causing a resistant to iron chelation therapy. This population confirms for improving iron chelation measures by means of a newer iron chelation agent or a combination of DFX with other iron chelation.


Off Label Use: Twice daily dosing instead of standard daily dosing.

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