For most tissues, stem cell numbers decline negligibly with age; nevertheless, there is an age-dependent decline in stem cell functionality. Many molecular, biochemical, and functional features of stem cells have been characterized across a broad range of tissues, and these changes have been assumed to be largely irreversible and inevitable accompaniments of aging. However, in studies both in vivo and in vitro we have demonstrated a reversibility of the functional and, in some cases, molecular characteristics of aged stem cells. Supported by compelling data from studies of heterochronic parabiotic pairings of mice, it is clear that the aged phenotype can be modified when aged cells are exposed to a youthful systemic milieu. These findings challenge the fundamental tenet of aging as an irreversible process and raises the question of whether, or to what extent, the aged phenotype is epigenetically determined. We have begun to examine the epigenetic profiles of young, old, and “rejuvenated” old stem cells to attempt to define youthfulness and aging in epigenetic terms. To the extent that aging can be “reprogrammed” back to youthfulness in somatic tissues, it has parallels to the resetting of the aging clock that occurs with somatic cell nuclear transfer. Elucidating the underlying molecular features, both genetic and epigenetic, of aged stem cells will provide a framework for understanding the fundamental molecular mechanisms of aging and the mechanisms by which environmental influences, such as those that occur in the setting of heterochronic parabiosis, can reverse the mechanisms of aging.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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