
Acute renal failure or injury is a common complication of treatment of patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) or high risk MDS, but the effect of renal function of patients who have acute myeloid leukemia/high risk MDS is not clearly highlighted as a predictor of survival, to the best of our knowledge this issue has not been studied in depth before.


study the effect of chronic kidney disease on the survival of patient with acute myeloid leukemia/High Risk MDS.


A retrospective study of all AML & high risk MDS patients treated at AGMC, Ohio, USA during 2001-2010. After IRB approval of the project, patients’ charts were reviewed to gather information on demographics, diagnosis types/subtypes, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), treatment, and cytogenetics. Patients were classified as low-intermediate risk or high risk according to cytogenetic background using WHO criteria. Also according to GFR patients were classified to GFR <30, 30 - 60 and > 60. Overall survival (OS) rates were determined by Kaplan-Meier Survival Analysis. Prognostic factors were evaluated by Log Rank analysis.


Out of 130 patients we were able to classify 99 patients (75%). Patient were grouped into 59 Pts with GFR>60, 37 Pts with GFR 30-60 and 3 Pts with GFR<30. Time to event survival analysis was done.

Table 1. Summary
GroupNumber failedNumber censoredMeanStd Error
59 98.9661 19.6682 
37 76.1622 17.9615 
3.66667 1.76383 
Combined 99 87.5556 13.572 
GroupNumber failedNumber censoredMeanStd Error
59 98.9661 19.6682 
37 76.1622 17.9615 
3.66667 1.76383 
Combined 99 87.5556 13.572 
Table 2. Quantiles
GroupMedian TimeLower 95%Upper 95%25% Failures75% Failures
26 16 63 108 
38 64 88 
Combined 28 19 53 102 
GroupMedian TimeLower 95%Upper 95%25% Failures75% Failures
26 16 63 108 
38 64 88 
Combined 28 19 53 102 
Table 3. Tests between Groups
Log-Rank 10.5395 0.0051* 
Wilcoxon 9.3991 0.0091* 
Log-Rank 10.5395 0.0051* 
Wilcoxon 9.3991 0.0091* 

Glomerular filtration rate GFR is a major identified factor in patients survival who have acute myeloid leukemia AML/High Risk MDS, those patients with GFR 30-60 do better in term of survival, we don’t have any explanation for that, more data with high number of patients needed to elaborate on this issue.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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