Mantle cell lymphoma is a disease of the elderly, with a median age of 70 years. Younger patients may be treated with potentially curative treatment including high dose chemotherapy. For elderly patients, however, no standard therapy has been defined. In the current trial, we investigate if the addition of lenalidomide (LEN) to rituximab (R)+bendamustine (B) (B 90 mg/m2 D1-2 and R 375 mg/m2 D1) followed by maintenance with LEN for 7 months may enhance efficacy, with manageable toxicity, for the older population of MCL patients.
Eligibility criteria were age > 65 years, or ≤ 65 years, unable to tolerate high dose chemotherapy, with untreated mantle cell lymphoma, stage II-IV. BR was given for 6 cycles q4w. In the phase I part, the MTD of LEN was established as 10 mg days 1-14 during the induction phase, cycles 2-6. Prednisolone 20 mg days 1-14 was given during cycle 2. When LEN was initially given from cycle 1, we encountered unexpected grade III-IV toxicity in the form of cutaneous and allergic reactions. In the maintenance phase, LEN single therapy was given as follows: cycles 7-8 - 10 mg days 1-21, cycles 9-13 - 15 mg days 1-21.
The trial was concluded June 1, 2013, after inclusion of 51 patients, of whom 24 were in the phase I part. The median age is 72 years. According to MIPI, 55% were high risk. Presently, 29 patients are evaluable for response after 6 cycles LBR. ORR is 28/29 (97%), CR+CRu 23 (79%). 17 out of 28 evaluable patients (61%) were MRD-negative after 6 cycles. After a median follow-up of 18 months, the median PFS has not been reached, and the estimated PFS at 2 years is 74%. Eight patients have died, 3 due disease progression, 3 due to treatment related toxicity, 1 of lung cancer in a heavy smoker, 1 of CMML. Overall survival at 2 years is 87%.
When omitted in cycle 1, lenalidomide in combination with R-bendamustine is feasible as first-line therapy in older patients with MCL, and is associated with a high response rate, also as assessed by MRD. The long term efficacy of this regimen remains to be established by longer follow-up.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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