Abstract 3047

Up to date, there are many conflicting reports existing in which different gene variants have been proposed to have influence on the outcome of allogeneic transplant. Hereby many of the published studies bare a distressing high weakness in the study set up as for example low number of study patients, large heterogeneity of donor types and/or GVHD prophlyaxis regimens and/or T cell depleting of grafts and/or type of conditioning regimens. In this study we aimed to evaluate in 285 patients and their HLA identical sibling donors the following in table 1 shown 48 different gene variants from which were reported to have influence on the outcome of transplants. Our study group consists of a homogenous group of patients who underwent all a non T cell-depleted transplantation after receiving a myeloablative conditioning regimen and a GVHD prophylaxis with MTX and CSA or CSA and MMF. Patients were transplanted from a HLA-identical sibling donor for various diseases like acute leukemia, CML, MDS, lymphoma and MM between January 2000 and June 2010 at our center

We could confirm an influence of gene variants of NOD2 (80, 4% vs 61, 6%, p=0.0013), IL23R, MTHFR1298, and LCT 13910 on the occurrence of acute GVHD grade 1–4 on recipients side, whereas no influence was seen of any gene variant on the occurrence of grade 2–4 acute GVHD. But, NOD2 gene variants had a significant (p=0.041) influence on the occurrence of severe acute GVHD grade 3–4. The occurrence of acute GVHD grade 1–4 was significantly modified by the detection of following gene variants at donors side: CCL5 28 promotor (30, 8% vs 69, 2% p=0.033), GSTP 313 (74, 3% vs 62, 4%, p=0.043);IL23R (69, 9% vs 48%, p=0.049), MTHFR129 (86, 7 vs 37, 3% p=.0.06), MTHFR 677 (53, 8% vs 70%, p=0.05), NOD2 (65, 9% vs 84, 4%, p=0.01). Acute GVHD grade 2 –4 was significantly influenced only by GSTP (p<0.015) and MTHFR129 (p<0.025). Severe acute GVHD grade 3–4 was only influenced by GSTP gene variants (p<0.04).

The 5-year TRM was influenced by MTHFR677 (30, 4% vs 19, 2%, p=0.05) at recipient side, and at donor side by the genes IL18 Rap (38, 5% vs 19%, p=0.046) and CYP1B1 (28, 8% vs 15, 6%, p=0.07).

IL10 gene variants at recipients side influenced the 5-year OS significantly, at donor side the 5-year OS was influenced by CTLA4 (69, 4 vs 52, 2%, p=0.06) IL23R (53, 6% vs 71, 6%, p=0.044) and MBL2CD55 48, 9% vs 65, 2% p=0.02).

In this study we could confirm that the above described gene variants might influence moderately the transplant outcome and may therefore be qualified for screening in patients and their respective donors prior to transplant.

CCL5 28 promotor G/Crs1800825MBL2 Codon220rs7096206
CCR5 2086 A/G rs1800023 MBL2 Codon4 rs7095891 
CCR5 2554 G/T rs2734648 MBL2 Codon550 rs11003125 
CP2C19*2 rs4244285 MBL2[G54D] rs1800450 
CP2C19*3 rs4986893 MBL2[G57E] rs1800451 
CTLA4 A/G pos.49 rs231775 MBL2[R55C] rs5030737 
CYP1B1 432 rs1056836 MCP1 1543 C/T rs13900 
CYP2C9*2 rs1799853 mdr1 C3435T rs1045642 
CYP2C9*3 rs1057910 MTHFR1298 rs1801131 
CYP2D6*3 rs4986774 MTHFR677 rs1801133 
CYP2D6*4, rs1800716 NFKBIL1 rs2857605 
CYP2D6*6 rs5030655 NOD2 G908R rs2066847 
CYP3A4*1B  NOD2 L1007F insC rs2066847 
CYP3A5*3  NOD2 R702W rs2066844 
FAS 670 G/A rs4934436 TLR2 R753Q rs5743708 
GSTA1 A567T, 69C 52G rs3957356 TLR3 rs3775291 
GSTP1 313A/G rs1695 TLR4 [D299G] rs4986790 
IL10 -1082 rs1800896 TLR4 [T399I] rs4987233 
IL10 592 C/A rs1800872 TLR5 rs764535 
IL23R  TLR6 745C>T rs5743810 
IL18 137 G/C rs187238 TLR9 C-1237T rs5743836 
IL18 RAP rs917997 TLR9 T-1486C rs187084 
IL6 G174C rs1800795 TNF alpha 238 A/G rs361525 
LTA rs2844484 VEGF 405G/C rs833061 
CCL5 28 promotor G/Crs1800825MBL2 Codon220rs7096206
CCR5 2086 A/G rs1800023 MBL2 Codon4 rs7095891 
CCR5 2554 G/T rs2734648 MBL2 Codon550 rs11003125 
CP2C19*2 rs4244285 MBL2[G54D] rs1800450 
CP2C19*3 rs4986893 MBL2[G57E] rs1800451 
CTLA4 A/G pos.49 rs231775 MBL2[R55C] rs5030737 
CYP1B1 432 rs1056836 MCP1 1543 C/T rs13900 
CYP2C9*2 rs1799853 mdr1 C3435T rs1045642 
CYP2C9*3 rs1057910 MTHFR1298 rs1801131 
CYP2D6*3 rs4986774 MTHFR677 rs1801133 
CYP2D6*4, rs1800716 NFKBIL1 rs2857605 
CYP2D6*6 rs5030655 NOD2 G908R rs2066847 
CYP3A4*1B  NOD2 L1007F insC rs2066847 
CYP3A5*3  NOD2 R702W rs2066844 
FAS 670 G/A rs4934436 TLR2 R753Q rs5743708 
GSTA1 A567T, 69C 52G rs3957356 TLR3 rs3775291 
GSTP1 313A/G rs1695 TLR4 [D299G] rs4986790 
IL10 -1082 rs1800896 TLR4 [T399I] rs4987233 
IL10 592 C/A rs1800872 TLR5 rs764535 
IL23R  TLR6 745C>T rs5743810 
IL18 137 G/C rs187238 TLR9 C-1237T rs5743836 
IL18 RAP rs917997 TLR9 T-1486C rs187084 
IL6 G174C rs1800795 TNF alpha 238 A/G rs361525 
LTA rs2844484 VEGF 405G/C rs833061 


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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