Abstract 2079


Peripheral blood stem cell transplantations (PBSCT) are very expensive life-saving medical procedures carried out in patients with hematological disease. The current tariffs are expected to be too low due to developments in the treatment protocols. A revision of the tariffs is urgently necessary. We calculated the daily practice cost of PBSCT for treating hematological diseases in Dutch practice, to provide a proper basis for revising hospital budgets.

Patients and methods:

From three Dutch university hospitals, we randomly selected 191 who underwent an autologous (auto) or allogeneic (allo) PBSCT in 2008 or 2009. The alloPBSCT were subcategorized into sibling, matched unrelated donor (MUD) and unrelated cord blood (UCB). We obtained data from hospital registrations to study all treatment related activities. Unit prices were based both on real costs and tariffs (base year 2010). Thereafter, the average costs per patient per PBSCT and per period were calculated. The total cost included the selection and harvesting, transplantation and 1-year follow-up.


The average cost per patient of autoPBSCT were € 45,670. The cost of sibling alloPBSCT were € 101,919. The average cost of transplantations from an unrelated donor was much higher: € 171,478 for MUD and € 254,689 for UCB alloPBSCT. Hospital days, laboratory procedures and donor search were the largest cost components and mainly responsible for differences between the four types of PBSCT. None of the patient characteristics were correlated with average cost. The costs calculated in this study are above current reimbursement. The difference is significant (p=0.043) and depending on the type of PBSCT, the shortfall varied between 2% and 100%.


Average cost of AutoSCT and alloSCT lay above current reimbursement levels. Appropriate financing is necessary to guarantee the continuation of PBSCT in Dutch patients according to current indications. The costs calculated in this study provide reliable input for economic evaluations and cost-effectiveness studies.

Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Total
Selection/ harvestingTransplanta- tionFollow-up (1-year)
autoSCT (N=68)        
Inpatient visits 6.408  14.869  2.143   
Daycare 128   326   
Outpatient visits 479  27  2.422   
Intensive care visits     
Activities 2.858  2.048  6.126   
Medication 1.342  2.386  362   
Bloodproducts 720  1.794  1.230   
Total autoSCT  11.935  21.124  12.609 45.668 
alloSCT-sib (N=59)        
Inpatient visits 10.169  14.858  13.887   
Daycare 436  28  809   
Outpatient visits 809  41  5.125   
Intensive care visits 378   2.387   
HLA typing 9.968     
Activities 5.836  4.691  14.139   
Medication 1.661  4.171  5.469   
Bloodproducts 2.223  1.105  3.733   
Total alloSCT-sib  31.480  24.894  45.549 101.923 
alloSCT-MUD (N=43)        
Inpatient visits 12.610  13.688  33.370   
Daycare 235   567   
Outpatient visits 882  42  5.553   
Intensive care visits 132  657  5.333   
Donorsearch 30.456     
HLA typing 9.968     
Activities 5.154  3.458  19.020   
Medication 2.778  8.688  8.640   
Bloodproducts 2.661  2.048  5.542   
Total alloSCT-MUD  64.876  28.581  78.025 171.482 
alloSCT-UCB (N=21)        
Inpatient visits 10.002  30.480  34.598   
Daycare 395   2.300   
Outpatient visits 869  21  7.580   
Intensive care visits  2.400  6.838   
Donorsearch 30.456     
HLA typing 9.968     
Activities 7.400  12.691  57.074   
Medication 3.946  4.596  13.762   
Bloodproducts 2.362  6.089  10.863   
Total alloSCT-UCB  65.398  56.277  133.015 254.690 
Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Total
Selection/ harvestingTransplanta- tionFollow-up (1-year)
autoSCT (N=68)        
Inpatient visits 6.408  14.869  2.143   
Daycare 128   326   
Outpatient visits 479  27  2.422   
Intensive care visits     
Activities 2.858  2.048  6.126   
Medication 1.342  2.386  362   
Bloodproducts 720  1.794  1.230   
Total autoSCT  11.935  21.124  12.609 45.668 
alloSCT-sib (N=59)        
Inpatient visits 10.169  14.858  13.887   
Daycare 436  28  809   
Outpatient visits 809  41  5.125   
Intensive care visits 378   2.387   
HLA typing 9.968     
Activities 5.836  4.691  14.139   
Medication 1.661  4.171  5.469   
Bloodproducts 2.223  1.105  3.733   
Total alloSCT-sib  31.480  24.894  45.549 101.923 
alloSCT-MUD (N=43)        
Inpatient visits 12.610  13.688  33.370   
Daycare 235   567   
Outpatient visits 882  42  5.553   
Intensive care visits 132  657  5.333   
Donorsearch 30.456     
HLA typing 9.968     
Activities 5.154  3.458  19.020   
Medication 2.778  8.688  8.640   
Bloodproducts 2.661  2.048  5.542   
Total alloSCT-MUD  64.876  28.581  78.025 171.482 
alloSCT-UCB (N=21)        
Inpatient visits 10.002  30.480  34.598   
Daycare 395   2.300   
Outpatient visits 869  21  7.580   
Intensive care visits  2.400  6.838   
Donorsearch 30.456     
HLA typing 9.968     
Activities 7.400  12.691  57.074   
Medication 3.946  4.596  13.762   
Bloodproducts 2.362  6.089  10.863   
Total alloSCT-UCB  65.398  56.277  133.015 254.690 

No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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