Abstract 2752


We recently identified a poor prognostic subgroup of pediatric BCR-ABL1 negative ALL patients characterized by deletion of IKZF1 (encoding the lymphoid transcription factor IKAROS) and a gene expression signature similar to BCR-ABL1 positive ALL, raising the possibility of activated tyrosine kinase signaling within this leukemia subtype. Targeted sequencing revealed activating sequence mutations in the Janus tyrosine kinases (JAK1 (N=3), JAK2 (N=17) and JAK3 (N=1)) in 21 of 187 (11.2%) BCR-ABL1 negative, high-risk pediatric ALL cases. All 21 cases with JAK mutations had the BCR-ABL1-like expression profile, accounting for about 50% of the cases with this phenotype, suggesting that mutations in JAK kinases account for some, but not all, cases with this distinctive profile. To determine whether mutations in other kinases might also be associated with this distinctive gene expression profile, we sequenced 126 genes encoding tyrosine kinases and mediators of kinase signaling in an additional 46 high-risk ALL cases with a BCR-ABL1-like expression profile. The genes sequenced included the entire tyrosine kinome.


The 46 leukemia specimens studied were from patients enrolled on COG clinical trials for high risk ALL (P9906, n=23 and AALL0232, n=23), with risk defined primarily by elevated WBC and/or age > 10 years. All 46 cases had a BCR-ABL1 like expression profile. The 23 P9906 cases all lacked JAK mutations, while 3 of the 23 AALL0232 cases were found to have activating JAK mutations (JAK1 (N=1), JAK2 (N=2)). The entire coding region and UTRs of each gene was amplified by PCR of whole genome amplified genomic DNA, and subjected to Sanger sequencing. A CEPH sample (NA19085) was also included as a normal control DNA.


A total of 1,149,117 bases were sequenced bi-directionally for each sample; 96% of the targeted bases were covered with high-quality sequencing data. We identified a total of 2,302 variations predicted to change protein sequences, 173 of which are novel, putative variations after removing germline variations found in dbSNP, The Cancer Genome Atlas Project (TCGA) and the normal CEPH sample NA19085 in this study. For each novel variation, the tumor DNA was resequenced and matching normal DNA was sequenced to validate the original observation and to distinguish somatic from inherited variants. The results show that 105 variations are germline, 20 are false positives while the remaining markers failed in validation assay. Aside from 1 FLT3 mutation (23aainsN609), there are no confirmed somatic mutations in any other tyrosine kinase genes.


Aside from JAK mutations, somatically acquired sequence mutations in tyrosine kinase genes are rare in children with high risk ALL and BCR-ABL1 like gene expression profiles. We are pursuing the identification of alternative mechanisms for kinase activation that might explain the distinctive expression profile observed in these cases.


Relling:St. Jude Children's Research Hospital: Employment, Patents & Royalties; Enzon Pharmaceuticals: Research Funding. Hunger:bristol myers squibb: Equity Ownership, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; eisai: Honoraria, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees.

Author notes


Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.

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