In the April 1, 2008, ASH 50th Anniversary Review, there were errors on pages3324 and 3327.

On page 3324, in the first paragraph under “Cytoprotective function of Bcl-2” the second sentence that read, “Shortly thereafter, the antiapoptotic activity of Bcl-2 was discovered by Vaux et al,11 a milestone in research on Bcl-2 that laid a foundation for the next 2 decades of work” should have read: “Shortly before, the antiapoptotic activity of Bcl-2 was discovered by Vaux et al,11 a milestone in research on Bcl-2 that laid a foundation for the next 2 decades of work.”

In “Authorship” on page 3327, the conflict-of-interest disclosure should have included the following: “Dr Reed is a consultant to and shareholder in Apoptos, Inc, Coronado Biosciences, Inc, and ISIS Pharmaceuticals, Inc, as well as the sole inventor of Genasense™ (oblimersen sodium).”

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